Chasing Like A Dog But Got The Wrong One.

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2 years ago

Our life is full of ups and downs no matter how we deny it. No matter how we reject it, still they are there to make us strong and not to cause unbearable pain. Ofcourse you will feel pain but temporarily only and not permanent. While we are on our way to achieve things we dreamed we can encounter people who will later on stay in our side or will just passed by to teach us something we can't see.

Are you a human? Yes we are and we are prone to the thing called love. Anytime it can affect us no matter where we are or what our state is. Why's that? Because it's something we can't control. It just pop out of nowhere and later on you will feel inloved with that stranger you just met at the street or in the crowd. But expecting too much will kill you so please refrain from expecting too much. You're only stabbing your ownself causing your soul to bleed.

People come and passed by as I've said and there are times when we are in a relationship we tend to chase our partner because we love them, we are sincere when it comes to them but the sad part is Are you treated the same way? That's a big question some people failed to answer because their love for that certain person is already blinding them.

Sometimes or most often we act like a dog, chasing someone who already turned their back at you and leaving you behind ALONE. Capslock para dama. If you already experienced this one , Have you ever asked yourself if the person you're chasing is worth the chase?

I just want to say some things about this topic because I know someone out there are still chasing him or her.

Don't be too available for them.

When we loved someone we tend to be always there for them when they need us and did you know that it's not healthy for you and for your relationship. Why? Because they will just do things that are not appropriate and will come to you to open up things or they will come to you when they just need someone to talk to. It's not a good thing because everytime you do that it's like your degrading the value of yourself.

One more thing, always remember that not all person who comes to you loves you because there are persons who will just come to you because you're the only one available. It's not bad to be there for them but don't give too much and left something for yourself also. Not all your efforts to be there in their down times will be appreciated because humans are like that. They can't appreciate those things that are currently happening or present. If they can do the same thing to you also when you're down then it's loved but if they can't, it's not.

Observe the line between persistence and dellusional.

Just a real talk my friends about chasing the person you love. There's are cases that it could still work and some are not. But it doesn't mean that once you chase that person, you're already a fool or something like crazy because there's something what we called persistence. Executing this persistence could put you in a good position wherein your relationship can still be save because you didn't give up on clinging to that singe lit of hope. And congrats if your persistence save your dying relationship.

Here's another thing, there's a limit to you being persistent about your relationship. Because there are cases wherein you're still pursuing the person even if she's or he's obviously showing that your relationship is long dead. The person you loved just cheat you 10 times, 20 times but still you're hoping that both of you could still work. That's not gonna happen friend. Stop being dellusional because it will only hurt you more.

A lot of people who are inlove out there don't have the ability to determine the line that separates this two, persistence and dellusional that's why their soul is not complete anymore. Always observe it for you to have a better relationship with someone.

Author's note

Being into a relationship could be hard but always remember to not give your all to the person you love and left something for yourself because no matter how much you love that person if she or he can't love you the same as you do, you will be broken but if you left some love to yourself, you can still patch the wounded part and move on again.

As I've said there are times that we might chase after our love one and it's not bad at all because it can be the way to start a new better relationship but don't be too persistent to the point of blinding your eyes, pushing yourself to a cliff.

Chase once or twice and if still it doesn't work, don't pursue anymore because if he/she loves you too he or she can say it to you face to face and not becoming a pabebe.

Anyway always remember to love yourself first.

Thank you for reading my article for today friends and see you again tomorrow.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To my sponsors and avid audience who always supports my work, Arigatouđź’š.

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2 years ago


Yeah exactly. We should not chase love because love will find us. As a woman, I have to stop proving myself to someone and besides it is not a love, I fell into the trap of infatuation only.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right po .. we don't have to proves ourselves to anybody because if someone can appreaciate us then they will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

NO TO PAGHAHABOL! If ayaw, di wag. Wag ipilit. Hanap ng bago at mag move on. Madaming lalaki or babae sa mundo, di lang sila. Mas better pala is NONTO RELATIONSHIP nalang!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Stay single forever no te ruffa hihi.. Pero sakin pag naganiyan ako ..di muna ako maghahanap ng bago ..itutuon ko muna lahat sa sarili ko .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay if galinh ka sa matagal na relasyon dapat namsn talaga. Yong sakin crush crush lang ee BWAHAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

pero nakakakilig po hihi.. Lalo't may inspirasyon kana po pag pumupunta sa market ..yiee.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Narealtalk ako sa part na if he loves you, he will say it to you face to face. I've been on that situation where i still have hopes for us for he is giving me signs that he still wants our rs work, but ended up hurting my own feelings even more as the time pass by. Until I decided to finally let him go after I saw him dating a new girl that he met online.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ay ka bad naman nung guy.... pero it's a wise decision po to let him go than to absorb more pain seeing him he's not interested in you anymore.. Ganun dapat pag nagpapakita na ng motibo na ayaw na ..let go naa.. then mahalin ang sarili ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

When someone are in relationship then maximum forget to love themself first. They just want to make happy her /his partner.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's not a good habit my friend because we are just a human too ..we can't give all to make them happy so it's better not to spoiled them while we have love for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Iilan lang talaga yung mga taong deserve habulin. Kaya think twice talaga bago maghabol. Hay!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Think a million times talaga kung hahabulin mo ba siya or hindi.. kasi masakit maghabol ng hindi naman willing huminto... Game of tag lang haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama hahaha baka habol ka ng habol diretso naman sa pagtakbo nya ano

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I just say ouch? It hurts quite a bit reading this bro. You know when you fell in love, you'll do everything, most of time to make her happy and feel special. However, it should be stopped when it will not work out anymore. Just leave it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Stopping is the best we can do to avoid further damage in our heart and soul... Pwede mo naman gawin lahat para sa kaniya pero mas mainam na paunti unti hindi yung biglaan kasi masasaktan kalang sa huli na hindi pala siya ang kapares mo..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helpful piece indeed. The part about availability relates to me. The eyes scorn those it sees often. Arigatou gozayimasu

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sometimes they abuse that availability of ours for their own purpose..That's why we must see that it won't be abuse anymore.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't love too much for it will kill you when you will be left by the one whom you loved most. Yes I agree with you my friend, we should not give our full trust and love to anyone for we are not sure what kind of people they are in times of darkness. Better to love most our family for their love is forever.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In the first place po kasi di natin masisiguro na siya na nga para sa atin sa una kaya dapat di talaga dapat lahat ibigay.. kasi paano nalang pag nagbreak kayo or may something edi ikaw ang kawawa.. Love ourselves and family muna..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The right woman will come at the right time. It's hard to trust anyone today aside from our family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one is worth the chase. If he or she is making you chase, then he is not the right one.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yan din ay totoo ..kasi kung mahal talaga bakit magpapahabol pa ..worst gumagawa ng dahilan para habulin ng kaniyang partner.

$ 0.00
2 years ago