Vision of society towards women(pic:BBC.COM)

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3 years ago

Human beings are considered as the superior living beings of the earth.They need a society to live .They have the feeling of sisterhood and brotherhood.They couldn't be isolated.

Basically human beings are born of two sexes i.e male and female.we can call them men and women .As they are biologically different but they are not totally different.They are complimentary of each other.Now the question arises like who originated first?The answer probably would be at a same time.But none knows.Another question arise like who is superior and who is inferior?The answer would be they are equal.

According to the religious point of view women developed the concept of living at a society.She taught the lesson of humanity,kindness to men.They started living together by loving and caring each other. They shared each and every activities.They built a family,community,society ,country and the whole world.This process continues till now. From ancient time women were considered as the symbol of peace .she could solved all the problems arise there.

With the running of time different types of culture were developed.Besides the positive and diverse culture there were some evils and bad cultures which are practising till today.Men started to dominate female on the basis of gender.His born was treated superior just for gender.He was always treated special and given all the need.where the women should be limited in a boundary what she could do and what she couldn't?The society is becoming patriarchal.After her birth she should sit in her criteria .she should follow all the rules and regulations of the society .She should speak less,she should respect the men,she should learn to do all the household works,she should take care of all the family members,she should be capable to do any cultural and religious practises,she should got married at appropriate age and she should give birth to baby at a time.All these types of works she should knew because she was born as a female in the family.she is born freely but the chain enclosed her.Didn't she born with any purpose in the life?Didn't she has no any potential?Or her dreams should be hidden.She should be capable of bearing all the pain that was given by male.Is it right?Though the many women forces and act are working to ends all discrimination and violence ,everyday many women lost their life by severe raped cases,many faces of girls were destroyed by severe acid attacks. Everyday Many women are getting physical and mental punishment .Many problems,crimes were hidden in the society.She should treated like this she should be capable of bearing pain of all sexual abuse,physical and mental torture towards her.Does she is a property to use and throw? Does her birth is to please other?

Every girl born with the beauty of purpose.She has a lot of potential. Though she couldn't be the mother without men but men can not give direct birth to the baby .women could do anything and be anything she want. She would be a ideal person.She shouldn't be deprived of quality education ,good health and maternal health.We can only imagine the heavenly earth if we only give opportunities to women equally to male.She should get chance to fly freely to achieve her goals .The society must ameliorate all the evil activities.The society should accelerate positive activities.The society must be conspicuous .Then we can only feel safe earth to live.

Thank you.

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3 years ago


Wawo 💖💖💖

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