Communication; A Life-Wire Of Christian's Marriage And Relationship

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I. Communication: This is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system or symbol. Communication is skill. We must learn it if our marriage will work

II. Life wire: This has to do with the power that produce the source of one's existence.

III. Marriage: Marriage is generally seen as a relay between a man and a woman. Also, Omolola (2013) defined Christian marriage as the ability and readiness of both husband and wife forming and maintaining godly home in perfect understanding, submission, love and maturity in accordance with God's will.

Therefore, at the core of every healthy marriage is the ability of a couple to successfully communicate with one another. Communication can be difficult in relationship because each individual may have a different background, experience, culture etc. Communication is a skill that must be learned and practiced in order to have a successful Christian home or marriage, because by our words, we can develop a beautiful and prosperous marriage.

Some principles that will enhance communication in marriage.

(i) Know your spouse

(ii) Honor and accept gender differences

(iii) Practise the art of listening

(iv) Learn to remain in Christ.

I. Know Your Spouse:- The first principle in communication is simply getting to know more and more deeper about your spouse being you Apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor, etc. Apostle Peter said this in I peter 3:7 where we found our text. Husband's in the same way be considerate to your wife as the weaker partner.

Every husband must develop the knowledge of his wife's person because each person is uniquely made, things that bothers the wife might not bothers the husband, things that excite the husband might not excite the wife and vices versa.

There is often miscommunication in marriages today simply because couples do not know each other well enough. May God help us.

The husband must learn what makes the wife happy, what makes her sad and what anger her and use this communication to build her up and communicate with her better vice-versa even through Peter speaks to the husbands, this is certainly applicable to the wives as well.

II. Honor and accept gender differences:- Man should understand that the woman was created from him and vices versa. Therefore, there must no maltreated for each other because the Bible called wife help-mate. Husband/wife must always sees his/her spouse as the image of God and they must respect each and another.

III. Practice the art of listening:- Listening to one another will create room for mutual understanding to solve or find solutions to many problem.

IV. Learn to remain in Christ:- Be in Christ will make the relationship strong and stand till eternity.

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Without good communication in a marriage, there's going to be so many misunderstanding, which will now lead to lack of trust

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3 years ago

This article is a blessing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article keep up the temple and write more educative article like this. Communication is the foundation upon which a successful marriage is built.

$ 0.00
3 years ago