If I Were A Millionaire!

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4 years ago

If I Were A Millionaire!

What I would do if I unexpectedly find myself to be a millionaire is a question I have often asked

myself. I have not been able to find out the answer so long. One thing that is most important is that I would not spend my time counting the money I have happened to have. That is an occupation in which a cheese maker finds pleasure. I, on the contrary, would spend freely because money that is stored in strongbox does well to nobody. I think of fulfilling my own requirements first. So I would, first and foremost, have a beautiful house for myself in a delicate compound. I would furnish my house with the most modern amenities so as to make myself as comfortable as possible. I would then go on a world tour for the sake of new and pleasant experiences.

I would visit the major capitals of the world like London. Paris, Bonn, Tokyo, Beijing. Moscow and Washington. I would most certainly pay a visit to the Nigeria Falls and also to the Pyramids of Egypt.Returning home from abroad, I would give a thought to the poor and the needy around me. I would follow to the footsteps of the great men who, by their humanitarian deeds, occupy a great place in the history of mankind. I shall help men in distress in such a way as they can stand on their own legs. I would help the poor students to prosecute their education. I would, if my means permit, establish a hospital for children. After doing all this, I would certainly have no money left with me, but I shall have the satisfaction of having seen and done so many things.Thus, I want to appropriate my treasure in case I become a millionaire.

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Also thanks @Ashma for appreciating.

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Thanks for reading.

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Written by
4 years ago


That is one of my dream i think you should be able to help poor peoples that you can see

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's really cool. If I was a millionaire I'd buy a house like you...... I'll also I think Starr an accounting firm of my own πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm learning accounts and finance so I'd love to be my own boss.

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Hahaha. I have so many dreams. I only share some of them.😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ It's also my dream tooπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hahaha..There are a lots of dreams.If I have money,I may fulfill them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago