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3 years ago

The sound of my thumbing heart could be heard across the room, his daggers still on my trail, my legs a burn to my fears.

The shrill in my bones, was a chatter, even the dead could feel, there was no doubt he wanted my being extinct from eternity.

He claims no features to his face, only zeal to his pace, with "I" an obstacle to his victory, as he gathers up to my gaps.

I was only but a running sin, at the devil's heels, my tail still stuck between my shins, like a demanding dog.

I could feel his swallows on my gains, still a step to my dame, and like the wind, his daggers are pierced deep in my flesh, drawing with it my tears.

A light thud to my being, I am met with my doom, it came for me, and me it shall have, I could feel his firm grip to my neck, his noose a tight lace, squeezing holes to my lung, with no mercy to his grace.

My eyes bled for air, begging to be blessed with the knowledge of my killer, searching, pleading for clarity that never came, only to be blessed with his wrath.

"HE", at least I know its a he, an earnest reveal to my mind.

A tad breath to my miss, I am greeted with a scream, so loud I'm faded to its streams, I could feel it coming from my lung, an action with no explanation, and then I'm drowned, drowned from my pains, my bones a still tones.

With a flick, I am brought to reality, a sprung to my freedom, I could feel the tears shielding the adjust to my view, looking for a peek to my destination, my hands feels for clarification.

"It was just a dream" head a doubt to truth, with a hand set to my neck, I search for sanity, only to be bitten with clarity.

"Its only a dream", this time my lips; a movement to its words, the sweat on my flesh, still flowing with great tease.

A nightmare I crave to forget, its scars a burn to my memories, with its ever taunt bringing its deals for another steal, waiting for the night's next reveal.

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3 years ago


Great article you got there mateπŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much. 😁😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmm....your writing style is totally different and awesome

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks. 😁

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3 years ago