The hospital calls...Time to stop self-medication.

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2 years ago

All through the night, I've been awake soaking a small towel in a bowl of water and placing it on my son's forehead because of his high temperature.

I noticed he started running temperature on Saturday evening, however, I assumed that it was just something minor that will go away in no time. Just like I assumed, he was fine all through Saturday till Sunday afternoon when we got back from church. Although he could still play and talk as usual, however, I noticed that he wasn't eating as much as he use to and that was when I started worrying. Despite all I tried to get him to eat a little, it didn't work, he still didn't eat, he just kept saying that he isn't hungry. I wonder how a boy who hasn't eaten for a long period would say that he isn't hungry.

Later that Sunday, he started running temperature again and this time, it was more intense. Immediately, I had to get him a drug (paracetamol) that would make his body calm again.


Could he be having malaria again? I thought to myself, knowing that he has already treated malaria thrice within 2 months which doesn't seem right. I was told that malaria is meant to be treated at least once every three months so what could be the problem now?

After giving him paracetamol on Sunday evening, expecting that he would be better the next morning, and would be able to go to school, which is today, the reverse seems to be the case now. He still running temperature and also complaining of stomach upset.

I had to go to the nurse near us to explain the situation to her, she advised that I take him to do a test so that we would know the actual medicine to buy and not waste money on self-medication.

This is the reason why it is said that, while you're saving, always include savings for emergency issues like health issues. According to the nurse, I may need to spend up to $20 to pay the bills for the test and the drugs.

After explaining the state of my son's health, I went ahead to explain mine. I don't know why I keep having recurrent infections, maybe it's yeast. In January, I spent about $12 to get malaria drugs for my son and some antibiotics for myself to treat the recurrent yeast infection. The pharmacist assured me that after using the drug she prescribed the reoccurrence would stop, I can't recall what the name of the drug is.

True to her words, all the symptoms I was experiencing stopped (the excess discharge and unpleasant smell)and I felt fresh and healthy again.

About two weeks ago, I noticed that the amount of discharge changed and odor changed again, I keep wondering what could be causing it. I would have assumed that it was the birth control method I was on but it expired already.

All these health issues that arise when you least expect them can be frustrating especially when there is no budget for them, and they can't be ignored. I can't ignore my current health issues because it's making me uncomfortable and I can't ignore my son's health because it's causing me to worry, so I just need to find a way.

I've had to trade some hive for cash to go run the test first, and I'm hoping that business would go well for hubby I can purchase the drugs that would be prescribed.

The only way to find out what's going on in my son's system is to go run the test and get the result, the same applies to me. Self-medication isn't an option. I forgot to mention that my son's high temperature is accompanied by sneezing. I can't just conclude that it's malaria again.

My son who jumps and disturbs is just in the room laying calm on the bed and can't go to school.

I know I always complain about how he disturbs and won't stay one place, that's why it is said that; "one won't know what they have till they lose it". All I want is for him to jump around, disturb me and eat well, I won't complain. I hope that he gets well as soon as possible.

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2 years ago


It is true we don´t know the value of something until it stopped happening. Going for the test is the perfect idea and I ma sure your boy will be okay after taking some medications.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks, Princess, the result is out and he has started taking treatment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great! God is in control.

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2 years ago