Steamed cake in pressure cooker

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4 years ago

Steamed cake in pressure cooker

Steamed cake can be made in just one and a half to two minutes by steaming in a pressure cooker. Those who find it difficult to make steamed cakes at home can try this method.

How to make rice powder for steamed cake:

Wash the rice well and soak it in water for 10 minutes. Fold a cotton cloth in water and spread it on top. After an hour, when the rice is crispy, you can break it in the machine. You can also take beta on the floor. When the powder is made, spread it on a dry cotton cloth and let it dry again. You can store this rice powder in deep freezer all year round. If you want, you can make a steamed cake by using several types of rice powder together. In that case, grind two and a half kg of Ataap rice, one and a quarter kg of Polaway rice and half a kg of rice together.

How to make a cake:

Mix salt powder to taste with rice powder. Mix rice powder with water little by little. After taking a handful of rice powder, when it will not break down, you will understand that it has been spread properly. Leave it for 10 minutes and cover it. After 10 minutes, strain it through a small perforated sieve. You have to rub it with your hands.

Take a bowl of the desired size to place the cake. The cake can also be made inside the cake mold. And you need molasses and coconut. Coconut can be used in two ways. Grate and slice the coconut. First spread rice powder in a bowl and put molasses on top. The amount of molasses will be according to taste. Cover the top with coconut and cover again with rice powder. Now put a few slices of coconut on top. Soak a thin cotton white cloth in water and squeeze it. Hold the bowl upside down on a wet cloth and carefully lower the cake. Wrap the top of the cloth with the cake.

Place the funnel with the handle on a jar. If the inside of the funnel is equal, it will look good. Now put the cake with the cloth inside the funnel.

Put the lid on the pressure cooker with a bottle of water and put it in the oven at high temperature. Before the bulk rises, open the cap from the exit part of the city and put the funnel with the cake. Fun steamed cake will be in one and a half to two minutes! When the cake is done, take the cloth out of the funnel and take it to the plate. Serve hot.

If there is extra cake left, put it in a mouth-watering bowl in the normal fridge. Take it out before eating, sprinkle a little water and heat it in the microwave.

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4 years ago
