Cake DeFi

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2 years ago

Cake DeFi, a platform that enables users to generate cash flow from pools, master nodes, stakeholder options and loans, was founded by Dr. Julian Hosp and U. Zyn Chua in early 2019 to bring the benefits of passive income into mainstream using a simple user interface. Cake DeFi was launched earlier this year with the vision of a central platform that will generate returns not only from cryptoinvestments, but also from a wide range of financial services. It created a platform with a clean interface that allows inexperienced and time-hungry investors to earn interest on their cryptocurrency with a few simple clicks.  

This return is offered to institutional investors and savvy cryptomerchants alike. The only fees you will be charged are fees for liquidity and mining rewards and fees for withdrawing your assets from Cake DeFi platform. Cake DeFI is transparent about its transactions, making it a secure platform to increase your assets. 

Cake DeFi allows retailers to take advantage of the Decentralized Financial Services (DeFi) even if they do not have technical knowledge. Unlike other credit platforms, Cake DeFi does not call itself a company or coin. The DFI coin is the local coin of Defichain, a blockchain project that provides decentralized funding for Bitcoin. Cake DeFI is the stakeholder and R and D partner of the project and has further links to the project through partnerships.  

The name Cake DeFis combines the best elements of DeFi and CEFI so that users can take advantage of the high stakes without centralized funding. For $30 DFI tokens, you can sign up with the Cake DeFi referral link, or the registration referral code (562025), and make your first deposit.

Your bonus is locked for 180 days and will earn 3.7 APY after 180 days unless you withdraw, or sell it. $20 worth of DFI locked for up to 180 days, giving a return of + 37% per 180 days.

Cake enables users to receive their cryptocurrencies in a transparent manner. It is intended for users who prefer not to be involved in the hassle and risk of trading in cryptocurrencies.  In this way, users can harness the magic of trouble-free merging of interests. Those users who prefer to devote their attention and time to other activities will be pleased to hear that Cake offers a painless solution for crypto mixing. Cake enables and enables users to roll their main interests into batches and track them in one go.    

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Avatar for Jessers
2 years ago
