Give up when you should

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Avatar for Jerry20
2 years ago

Give up when you should.

Consistency the say is one of the keys to succeeding in any business. Consistency being acting or doing things in the same manner over and over again. Constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, till a positive outcome. But does one really need to be consistent all the time even when it isn't showing forth positive outcome?. Does one have to be consistent in a chosen career or path even when it's glaring that no positive outcome is forth coming?.

Most times we tend to believe the or stick to the saying "never give up" in a particular business that isn't yielding positive results for years. We keep on trying same business over and over again. Being consistent, staying true. But at the same time, I truly believe that if one tries a business and it isn't working for you need to give up and try something new. Just the way we're travel to a far away land to start up a new life with beautiful positive energy. Same way we should inculcate such in our workplace, businesses, investment. There are over a thousand things to try so why stick to one?. Don't give up on your dreams but give up on that career that is draining you, from that authoritative, selfish boss that doesn't care about your welfare, from that energy/time draining office job that leaves you wrecked.

Interestingly, giving up doesn't really mean in business only but in relationships too. Yeah, from that toxic relationship that is messing with your mental/emotional health. Sometimes you can't save it so why die in silence when you can just walk away. Definitely love will find you and maybe this time with some one who will treat you better. You deserve better, you're worth more than gold you need to be cherished, loved, pampered, cared for.

We only get to live life once then deaths calls. So why waste it on a particular business, person, relationship. Try something new. Let it go, you never know what's waiting for you outside.

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$ 0.01 from @MoneyCanWorkForYou
Avatar for Jerry20
2 years ago
