...Think before yOU spEAk...

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Could we say that words are harmful to others? The answer is a BIG YES. Why???

Words can be an encouragement but also destroys life of others. Be careful on every word that comes to your mouth because once a person absorb it. It so hard to forget what you've said.

Even in the Bible ; it says that "Words Have Power", and i absolutely agreed about it. The reason why i wrote this article to remind other people, we should think first before we speak especially the times that were mad and angry.

Better to ask wisdom coming from God before you say a word. There are two kinds of wisdom; heavenly and earthly wisdom. It is better to ask God first before you say something to others.

On the other hand, A word gives encouragement, confidence, love, trust to others. Once your saying a positive words everyday to others it benefits a lot.

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Fine you said something good here, no problem about that but come on it way too short to be called an article. Imagine going to a shop and buying a book of just one page surely that doesn't qualify as a book. I only accepted this to encourage you to write better because this is not good enough, it would have been better if you used a short post instead.

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4 years ago

Your saying it is too short and at the last part of your comment your saying it is better if i post a short one....I think your statement contradict to one another

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Are you sure you are conversant with this platform... if not I employ you to look around and learn... We have what we call a short post and what we call an article. A short post is mostly a short post that can be posted to only one community and It doesn't have to be long then we have what we call an article which is expect to be at least 250 words. I am not supposed to explain this to you make your research and see what qualifies a content to be called an article, it your duty as a content creator else you are just here for the cash like many others.

$ 0.00
4 years ago