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Avatar for Jerome202012
4 years ago

In this pandemic, we should learn on how to handle situation that gives strength to each and everyone of us. Gear up remind us to be strong and apply the word of God in our everyday living. The Word of God is an armor that we can fight any battles everyday. We should read and meditate his word everyday so that we could overcome the trials.

Exercise your faith like everyday your exercising the body to make it strong and your muscles will become more bigger. Once you have a big faith to God everything will gonna be alright.

Transfer the Spirit of a believer to others by showing a good character and a better person in the society. Same is through of the virus, it spreads out so fast. So we need to transfer the word of God to others especially were at the last days.

Remember G.E.T means Gear up, Exercise and Transfer. God bless...

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Avatar for Jerome202012
4 years ago
