Believe It.

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4 years ago

I just want to inspire some people here in a short post or article about these "Believe it". Yes, I am a Christian and let me share to you the power of our Lord in my life.

I took a board exam for several times. I want to give up but one of my colleagues told me to take for one last time. She invited me also to enroll in a review center; to make the long story short both of us went to a review center for three months.

During the exam, I felt nervous but I believe and receive the word of God in my life that He says into his word, Ask, believe and you will receive it. Until the day of the result came, I am holding his promise and His word that I believe this time I got it. After a few minutes I saw my name in the list. Proven that the word of God is so True. Just ask and believe then you will received it.

In a short post of mine, I hope you were inspired to my experience on how God is so so good to us. He is a Good good father.

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4 years ago
