Using multiple multi-factor authentication tools delivers frictionless results

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We are the leading provider of biometric and multifactorial-centric identity and access management (IAM) solutions.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a good practice in cybersecurity. It has become an industry standard for preventing unauthorized access as it can strengthen security measures and further verify the identity of any user trying to access. Ideally, this is also done without introducing friction into the user's workflow. The authentication options used for multi-factor authentication should depend on specific security objectives / policies and user preferences. Without options, however, problems can appear quickly.

As Gartner, Inc. reported in its Authentication Market Guide 2020, “Not One Method Is Right for All… Mobile MFA methods (those that use a mobile device) are inconvenient for up to 15%. of employees and 50% of customers ".

With this understanding, there are several ways to implement MFA options that will not introduce friction, risk, or cost.

Implement MFA across the enterprise

When implementing multi-factor authentication across the enterprise, a primary goal is to minimize exposure to cyber attacks. Every access point within the organization has the potential to create vulnerabilities, especially with the expansion of cloud-based access and remote users. Many companies are not consistent or complete in their approach to AMF implementation. This leaves areas wide open for attacks by making it easier for hackers to locate and gain access to a specific vulnerable target. Specifically, server connections and privileged users are common targets in cloud-based attacks. More and more, due to COVID-19, more and more

With multiple attack vectors, organizations should consider expanding their multi-factor authentication deployments.

Leverage context for adaptive authentication

Reducing friction while increasing safety seems like a "hypocritical" task. Using more than one authentication method seems to ruin the user experience, doesn't it?

Incorrect. Adaptive authentication can strike that perfect balance between increased security and improved user experience. It does not operate on an "always on" approach that requires the user to provide these additional authentication factors. Instead, it will use the context to create an adaptive approach that only requires additional credentials when needed. Contexts such as location, network, device settings, or time will determine whether the user should use more or fewer authentication methods when logging in. For example, there is a higher risk for a user logging in at 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning from a guest network in the United States, when the user typically does not log in on Sunday and resides in France.

Therefore, the implementation of adaptive authentication not only reduces friction for users, but will also change depending on the level of cyber risk.

Provide a variety of authentication factors

To further reduce friction and improve the user experience, MFA deployments should include a wide variety of authentication options. A “one size fits all” approach will not work for different users. After all, many users may not be able to use the telephone authentication methods as discussed above. A lack of flexibility negatively impacts the user experience, while a wide variety of authentication options will give users the flexibility to choose what works best for them.

While there are many options to choose from, one thing is clear: all MFA strategies should include some form of biometric authentication . Biometrics turned out to be the only method to positively identify the person and not just a device. It also saves the user from having to remember to have their phone or token to log in. Many claim that biometrics is the most convenient and secure method of authentication available today.

It's your choice…

While there is pressure to choose an Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that may seem `` obvious, '' it's best to understand how your IAM strategy affects your users, customers, and experience. digital business.

With that in mind, choosing an MFA solution that can reduce friction, risk, and cost is usually one of the first choices you'll make for your IAM strategy.

Although MFA is not the only component of your IAM strategy, a bad MFA solution and a bad implementation can quickly limit its effectiveness. The best advice is: "Don't think too much, multi-factor authentication is all about options." With unique requirements for your users and an ever-changing dynamic environment, it's not about selecting just one method. MFA must be adjustable and able to adapt to your users. Without options, a solution can quickly limit your ability to deliver the ideal secure experience, resulting in frustrated users and a stressed IT team.

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