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Lacto-fermentation is a preservation process in an aqueous medium which involves

lactic acid bacteria. Acidification of the medium (ph between 3.5 and 4) prevents the proliferation of

pathogenic bacteria such as molds. Fermented foods, thus protected, are in

generally more nutritious and more assimilable by the body.

The advantages of lacto-fermentation are:

 Fermented foods remain living foods.

 It enriches foods while sterilization impoverishes them (for example, it is estimated that

the vitamin C content of fermented sauerkraut increases by more than half).

 Proteins and vitamins are better preserved.

 Acidification of the medium protects against pathogenic microorganisms.

 The simplicity of the process itself.

It is possible to lacto-ferment a large number of vegetables. The addition of certain aromatics can,

in addition to flavors and aromas, provide active substances. Thus, garlic, juniper berries and

chili also help prevent rotting, raspberry leaves (rich in

lactic acid bacteria) helps fermentation, cumin facilitates digestion of sauerkraut.


Laver les légumes et les aromates, les sécher. Les râper ou les couper en petits morceaux. Remplir

le bocal (préalablement stérilisé) avec des couches successives, saler et bien tasser entre chaque

couche afin d’éviter les poches d’air et de créer les conditions de l’anaérobie. Si les légumes tassés

ne rendent pas assez de jus pour les recouvrir entièrement, ajouter de l’’eau pure (source ou

bouillie). L’ajout de sel est primordial pour l’accélération de l’anaérobiose et le non-

développement des bactéries pathogènes. Il apportera également plus de croquant aux légumes.

Compter une cuillerée à soupe pour 1 litre.

Fermer les bocaux. Laisser les pots à une température ambiante de 20°C pendant 2 à 3 jours à

l’abri de la lumière pour démarrer la fermentation.

Les mettre ensuite dans un endroit plus frais (entre 15-18°C) pendant 4 à 5 semaines. C’est la

acidification phase which can last up to 6 weeks depending on the vegetables.

For storage, it is advisable to keep the jars at a temperature of around 10 ° C.

When opening, do not consume the vegetables if they smell foul. The brine should

be perfectly liquid.

Most to remember:

Just like germination, lacto-fermentation leads to an increase in the content

vitamin in food (vitamins C and B).

The enzymes produced by lacto-fermentation have a detoxifying action favorable to the maintenance of


There are other types of fermentation, such as alcoholic, acetic or

propionics (aged cheeses)

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