Information at the heart of your strategy: Hold the keys to profit with two free Made

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New to cryptocurrencies? Confirmed trader looking for competitive advantages? Access to information is the key element, which will allow you to make optimal decision-making. As France's leading media outlet, the Journal Du Coin offers two essential tools to maximize your success.

A reference-like newsletter

It's hard not to be overwhelmed by the information. As an unprecedented news flow pervades your daily life, we try to sort them out for you,and we pass on the essentials (only the essentials!)

Between daily market analysis and headlines not to be missed, we share for you, the 3 major information of the day. This summary of news will be sent to you every morning (Monday to Friday), to prevent you from being drowned out by the abundance of information available.

Hold the keys to the information"

Today, 18,000 cryptocurrency fans receive the free newsletter of the Journal Du Coin every day. The confidence in this formula pushes us to renew its composition regularly, in order to make our readers, individuals at the forefront of information.

Community interaction, our new priority

Despite the great usefulness of a newsletter, it is not intended to answer your personal questions. No worries, the team of the Journal Du Coin thought of everything.

We offer beginners and experienced observers access to one of the most beautiful French-speaking crypto communities. By joining our Discord server,you will be part of a group of more than 4000 individuals, eager for advice and sharing.

By joining this community,you will be able to exchange your best plans, learn from the best traders,but also ask your questions about a service that you think is worthy of interest.

The rules of this group are simple: mutual aid, good humour and lack of judgment. We've all started, and we know how intimidatingthe world of cryptocurrencies can be. A team of moderators and over-focused members will be at your disposal to guide you in your research, and to improve your knowledge.

Totally free, our Newsletter and Discord server are intended to inform our community, but also to share our beliefs. The implications of a new decentralized finance is a systemic change that no one should ignore. We will be there at your side to guide your choices, answer your questions, and make you the prescribers of a more inclusive and equitable system.

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