Galette des rois with almond

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Avatar for JeremySagnes
3 years ago
Topics: Blog, 2021

1 h 15




  • 2 rolls of puff pastry

  • 1 egg

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 tbsp. tablespoon of water

  • 1 bean


  • 100g ground almonds

  • 12g cornstarch or cream powder

  • 80g icing sugar

  • 20g almond milk

  • 80g of butter at room temperature

  • 60g egg


  • 100g of water

  • 100g of sugar


  • 1 baking sheet + 1 silicone sheet or 1 sheet of baking paper

  • 1 brush + 1 small bowl + 2 salad bowls + 1 hand mixer + 1 maryse

  • 1 paring knife + 1 angled spatula

  • 1 circle 18 to 22 cm in diameter

  • 1 small saucepan + 1 whisk


  • Preparation35 mins

  • Cooking40 mins

  • 1.

    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. In a bowl, mix the softened butter, icing sugar, half the egg (beaten into an omelet), half the almond powder and the cornstarch. Whisk by hand then add the rest of the egg, the rest of the almond powder and finally the almond milk. Reserve in the fridge.

  • 2.

    Mix the egg, egg yolk and water. Reserve in the fridge. Pour the sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to the boil and set aside. Cut out 2 circles of puff pastry 18 to 22 cm in diameter.

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  • 3.

    On a baking sheet, place a sheet of silicone (or parchment paper), then a disk of puff pastry, spread the almond cream. Place a pretty bean on the side of the almond cream. Place the second disc of dough and weld the edges together. Chick the sides of the galette with a small paring knife. With a brush, lightly brown the top with the egg mixture. Using the small knife, nicely line the pancake.

  • 4.

    Bake for 15 minutes at 200 °, then lower the oven to 180 ° for 45 minutes. At the end of cooking, using your clean brush, spread a thin film of syrup. Let cool.

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Avatar for JeremySagnes
3 years ago
Topics: Blog, 2021
