Amazon to create 100,000 jobs in the United States and Canada

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The announcement of these 100,000 jobs is in addition to the promise of 33,000 more made last week by the digital giant.

The famous online shopping company plans to hire 100,000 new employees in the United States and Canada to meet growing demand driven by the covid-19 crisis .

With health restrictions, consumer habits have changed and many have turned to online shopping for both work and play.

The Seattle-based company has said it wants to create full-time and part-time jobs. In a statement on Monday, she also said the new jobs will include benefits and hiring bonuses of up to $ 1,000 in some cities and access to training programs.

The announcement of these 100,000 jobs comes on top of the promise of 33,000 more made last week by the digital giant, and the creation in September of nearly 100 new commercial buildings including sorting centers and delivery stations.


In France, Amazon's success is the object of jealousy . It sparked a rather motley political sling from environmentalists, far left activists, professional politicians and trade unionists aimed at blocking its development.

Accused of unfair competition, destroying jobs or damaging the environment, the e-commerce giant has become the target of lobbies, anti-capitalist fever and interest groups that see a very Evil eye on the gigantic profits made for services they were unable to provide due to Covid.

At the worst of the covid crisis, Amazon had to close its warehouses for more than 35 days following its conviction by a court for insufficiently protecting its employees from the virus. The State services, in particular the tax authorities, which continued to carry out their work, were never concerned.

In order to protect local businesses and businesses, and to the detriment of consumers, some local elected officials are now discouraging the establishment of Amazon in their municipality. Nationally, the Gafa tax was put in place at the end of July, and it is consumers, once again, who will foot the bill.

Shouldn't France be inspired by the United States and Canada to fight the recession and the wave of unemployment that will befall following the political management of the covid-19 crisis?

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Rather than piling up regulations and taxes to fund an unlikely stimulus package, the government should clearly encourage the free market, which remains the best provider of jobs.

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