MUSIC: Therapy For The Soul
You know when they say the eyes are the windows to the soul I feel that way about music, it's like a beautiful piece of art in a glass, in an art gallery beautiful but priceless only difference is we can access music anytime we want.
Music is just so phenomenal it hits the soul and connects with it so well, it's fascinating how it could elevate your mood or even dampens it, how its a companion in red times or how you can connect with it on so many levels, how you get sucked in by the lyrics, the beat, and the vocals it's like you're sucked into a whole new world I don't know about you but music helps me escape my reality even if it's just a little.
How do you feel about music? I feel a sense of release, a place of escape, a space filled with different colors like a spectrum has, a rainbow room away from all the dark, makes it easy to connect and relate on so many levels. How about you, how do you feel about music does it sink in or are you just a listener, a rhythm kisser maybe, either way, we are all different. Know what you like and what connects to your soul like smooth jazz, what makes you wanna keep it on repeat for hours non-stop, know your therapy, your elixir, your music.
My father once told me that if you mid handle music, you will die young... I never understood till I came of age. It's really true. Nice article