Why you should enter the Crypto-world now!

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3 years ago

If something is happening now and many people have not realized, it is the evolution of the Crypto-world, it seems that today we can compare the world of cryptocurrencies with the time when the internet was a "new and strange invention" that many people feared. Even in newspapers you can see incredible news like the one I show below, it is a headline that dares to say that "the internet was a fad". This means that many people at that time had no idea how big the internet would be, as it is today.

hat has been one of the solutions to the crisis that COVID - 19 has generated to the economy? The answer is the INTERNET.

Although cryptocurrencies and internet do not have the same functions, we can say that they have the same capacity: To make people unite to give a blow to the system, and that is the first reason why you should join the Crypto-world now!

There is strength in unity

Some twenty years ago it was unbelievable to think that a decentralized currency could shake the entire global financial system. Today we can see how Bitcoin is making this possible, but yes, thanks to the fact that many of us united to believe that this Cryptocurrency would give us the power back, the power of money, the power of the economy.

If more and more of us join in using Cryptocurrencies today, it will be possible to take the power of the economy out of the hands of the world's financial giants and into our hands. The more people join this cause the sooner we will be able to enjoy the change and all the functionalities offered by the projects behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as NPXS, DOT, ADA, ETH, IOTX, AMB (ambrosus).

So, starting today in this world, it is synonymous that normal people will have the economic power in the world and to develop new economies where we all have opportunities and bring better development for humanity.

Before moving on to the next reason I want to digress here. The union of people is another of the similarities that has an invention like cryptocurrencies and an invention like the internet, remember how recently the people of Reddit, precisely WallStreetBets managed to give a blow to Wall Street, this was achieved thanks to the union of people. So there is strength in unity.

The Crypto-world is the new train of the new era.

Yes, yes, I know, this second reason has a strange title, but I'll explain what I mean. Let's imagine for a moment that we are in the time when the train was invented, at that time many people did not believe that a machine that moved with coal could bring such a big change to humanity.

Let's think that before the invention of the train it was impossible to think that the most remote villages of the capitals had the opportunity to access supplies such as food and medicines several times a week and even many people could travel in a matter of days from one country to another. At that time people used horses and carts (today FIAT money), now think of the great advantage of the train, which could take a ton of food from a village to a city that is many miles away, it was an impossible task to do with horses and carts, at least in a few days.

If we delve a little deeper into the great invention that is the train, let's think about the prosperity it brought to the most remote villages, thanks to the train it was already possible to make the economy of the villages grow by installing factories that would create jobs in local villages. No doubt Bitcoin and much of the crypto-world will bring similarly good changes in economic matters as the train did in its time.

The new Walstreet where we all have opportunities.

I am one of those people who like investments, I am one of those who think that money should be working, while we rest, of course from time to time there is some hard work to be done. Be that as it may, I say this because of the fact that I have had to read several books by famous Wall Street investors. In those books I have learned that it is difficult to try to enter this world, because there are many sharks waiting for new fish in the market, this is made clear by many authors who have been investing in the stock market for years and have been successful.

So, it is increasingly difficult to fight against these sharks of the stock market, but we have an opportunity in the Crypto-world, if we move towards trading cryptocurrencies (provided we know what we do) we will have the opportunity to make a lot of money, of course we will get many sharks and whales in these waters, but it is easier to enter and exit with profits from the market, because it is much more volatile, yes, if we do not know what we do we can lose money, therefore, we must always study and prepare for trading.

Here is a nice proof of what can be achieved in the cryptomining and trading world:

«I just closed my position in cake just turned $100k into half a million dollars ($500k) in less than a month! biggest trade of my career! #NoFomo #trading #fundamentalanalysis»

Before I continue, I must inform my readers that they should avoid at all costs the FOMO, which is nothing more than the Fear of Missing Out. So I do not recommend to go running to an Exchange platform to start buying cryptocurrencies that someone recommended, again I ask you to study very well what cryptocurrency trading is all about.

For those who want to use an excellent Exchange for trading, I leave you the following link Binance, at least it is the one I recommend for now.

A long term investment

If there is one thing I have read from many Walstreet investors, it is that technical analysis (techniques to analyze market charts and know if a price is going up or down) is less important than fundamental analysis. For example, if we were in the time when Google was in the stock market I would buy all the shares of this company, because I would know that in some years its shares will be very expensive and I will earn a lot of money. Now we are not in the time to make much profit on Google's shares, since they are already at a very high price and investing now is a risk of losing money and even not earning anything if the shares go up, since they may not go up much.

What I mean by all this is that nowadays fundamental analysis is done by knowing what each cryptocurrency project is about, such as IOTEX which is related to the internet of things. Or NPXS that seeks to make it possible to pay with cryptocurrencies in all stores. Then our task is to find a project in the Crypto-worldthat we believe that in the long term will be very successful and our investment can grow and a lot.

It is time to look for those hidden gems in the crypto world and take a good advantage in a few years. Who would not have liked to have bought a jewel like Bitcoin 10 years ago when its price was USD 0.10?

If 10 years ago we were to buy 1000 Bitcoin at 0.10, if we were to spend only 100$, today we would have more than 50 million dollars, a profitable investment, isn't it? So we can find a jewel in the Crypto-worldthat may not have the great growth of Bitcoin, but we may get one that will greatly increase in value in several years, when the Crypto-worldrevolution has been established across the planet.

It is the opportunity of the 21st Century

It is no secret to anyone that this century has been a century full of many problems, it was our turn to experience the difficulties of the 21st Century. If we talked to our grandparents today and asked them about the difficulties of their century, they would tell us that wars were the worst thing they experienced, something that thank God we have not experienced, at least as our grandparents and great-grandparents did.

Be that as it may, even without a World War in the XXI Century we can say that it has not been an easy century, especially at the economic level, every time we see how the economies of the world are plummeting, practically many are maintained with the printing of bills, such is the case of the dollar, every so often more and more bills are printed and that means one thing, the dollar that we have in our pockets is losing its value. But that is not the only problem of the economy of this century, but many other problems make it difficult for us to buy food, clothes, pay bills, go to the movies, buy video games and more.

But what do I mean by the opportunity of the 21st century? Well, to be honest, this text was created with the intention of talking about "the opportunity of the XXI Century", which for me is the Crypto-world. I mean it is an opportunity due to the fact that it is an evolution that is beginning, since the year 2021 started cryptocurrencies are becoming more volatile and capitalization markets are growing a lot, I can dare to say that the revolution has already started and that good things will come, but the best things will be for those who take the "opportunity of the XXI Century now".

For me, entering today in the Crypto-world(wisely and knowing how to buy good Cryptocurrency projects) can change our life, we may retire at a very early age and not be afraid of the devaluation of a FIAT currency and therefore of our savings. The future is now and those of us who are already taking advantage of this opportunity are already one step ahead of the people who today believe that Cryptocurrencies are "just a fad", just as it happened with the Internet in its time.

It is important dear reader that if you made it this far, keep in mind the following: I am a human being with high expectations for a better future, not only for me, but for all those who are willing to seize opportunities and adapt fast to change. It seems to me that FIAT money is dying or at least giving up a lot of ground to cryptocurrencies. However, I could be wrong, since if I really knew what would happen in the future, I might already have thousands of Bitcoin in my wallet. Without further ado, I wish you the best and bless you, bye.

$ 2.82
$ 2.67 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @CopyCoiner
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Written by
3 years ago
