Smoky Dark Clouds

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Avatar for Jeeamalik
3 years ago

I love smoky and dark clouds and it makes weather beautiful and cool.

Every one enjoy these weather. From few days weather is changing and raining start from night. Tomorrow clouds are come and its look amazing and I capture some views of clouds in my camera.

Birds are also enjoy this weather its happiness looks and we also can feel. They start to flying in the sky and its voice look like they sings. Nature is always beautiful and everything is a part of our nature. God make everything perfect and no doubt God is a best planner and maker.

From my child hood I love clouds tomorrow was a beautiful day I capture these clouds and enjoy weather with a cup of tea and chips.

when birds are flying I was try to make capture with birds.

You can see an eagle in this picture. A lot of eagles in our area and i try my best to capture this in my click.

Please like and share your opinion. Thanks

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Avatar for Jeeamalik
3 years ago
