My Life's Purpose

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Avatar for Jedburgh
1 year ago

We've reached the end of another decade.

In the time it takes to blink,

It is normal to feel melancholy at times.

And moments of ecstasy have whizzed by at breakneck speed.

People who I cared about

Have passed by and vanished,

As long as the world didn't halt, though,

And so we went on as a group.

It wasn't an easy ride.

And there were battles to be had,

When it counted most, it was a great year.

Other times I didn't give a damn.

I took a stand by myself,

And still, I was able to make my way.

despite many sleepless nights spent sobbing,

And with the dawn of a new day comes a new beginning.

And now that I'm in my old age, it's a different story.

It's now very evident.

Things I used to take for granted.

I was not here to see them.

And how many other things are there to consider?

That I purchased

You were never the source of my identity.

Internally, I'm feeling much better.

Also, the anxieties and concerns

That was my daily torment,

When all is said and done,

Would simply vanish.

But despite this, I resolutely tried to help those in need.

When others require it,

the only way to know for sure

Of how I achieved my goal.

And you have no idea how much I've given away!

The essence of who I am and how I feel.

In the long run, it'd be

What made me stand out from the crowd.

What's more, it's crucial.

Is my impression of myself,

Regardless of whether

As good as I can be, I am.

As well as, how much more empathetic

And the affection that I am capable of expressing

But first, I need to hear from the Lord.

My time has come to leave.

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Avatar for Jedburgh
1 year ago
