Not just a pretty face.

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Companies all over the world are developing robots to understand commands, distinguish human voices and faces, connect themselves to the internet, even biped robots that can amble around a family home. Japan, the world's leader in the manufacture and use of industrial robotics, is already several steps ahead. What else would you expect in the country brought up on Doraemon and Astro Boy?

Reasearches are working hardto find to a market for humanoid industrial robots, but even the most optimistic say they could takes decades to arrive.

There is a limit to how much people would pay for a toy, but home robots might soon start to take over the functions of a personal computer. Developing the hardware and software to perform useful physical work in the factory or home is a long way off. On the other hand, finding information on the internet or sending email could be relatively easy work. After all, what's robot if not just a PC on legs? And entertainment could justbe start.

Amagai Satoshi, president of Sony's Entertainment Robot Company, says that the interaction between robots and humans is crucial. Toy pet robots already available in Japan range from Omrons robot cat to Tomys small voice activated. The craze for interactive robots probably dated back to the tamagochi toy of the mid 1990's a kind of hand held digital pet. These toys have also been dubbed because of their ability to help soothe the stresses of everyday life.

We can expect entertainment robots to be the first commonplace home robots. Most of the robot developersbelieve that humanoids robots that can do useful physical work are still decades away. And would they be safe? Any humanoid robot big enough to help around the house would probably weigh as much as a human.

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This article is very nice. This story is about robot. Thank you for your kind information . I think you write again some story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is the time for artificial intelligence. Robotics has evolved to a whole new level over the past couple of year. I hope it doesn’t take over the world 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago