Bitcash on Twitter

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Avatar for Jeboo
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3 years ago

You can now send BitCash to anyone on Twitter using only their Twitter handle. Gone are the days of having to send and receive complex cryptocurrency addresses just to send someone cryptocurrency - and even though BitCash already has easy to use nicknames, we’ve taken it a step further so now all you need is anyone’s Twitter handle and you can instantly send them BitCash.

The community’s goal with BitCash as we’ve communicated consistently is mass adoption and ease of use. We feel that this takes BitCash a step further in making it seamless for anyone to send and receive cryptocurrency in seconds.

Want to tip your favourite Twitter celebrity? Maybe accept payment for a retweet to your followers, or even run a competition on Twitter. The potential is only limited by your creativity and we’re excited to see what the community does with this new feature.

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$ 0.00
3 years ago