Communication in English 1

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3 years ago

Communication serves as an instrument of social interaction. Communication helps us to understand ourselves, to keep in touch with people, I to understand them and to predict their response to situations

It is also a means whereby power is acquired, exercised and sustained.

In business and industry, communication helps to orient workers to one another and to the goals of the organization. It is the means by which such goals will be pursued, attained, sustained and improved

Communication has been described as a Chameleon of a word changing colors of its own meaning with a change of speaker

In the military, communication is thought of in terms of the army's line of communication

The sociologist thinks in terms of newspaper and broadcasting

The civil engineer thinks of road and railways

The electrical engineer thinks of telephone and teleprinters

Communication it self is derived from the Latin word Communicate which means to share or to make common

This the other half of the meaning has to do with information and meaning

Communication can be defined as the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another

Communication can be said as sharing information

Communication can be seen as giving and receiving messages

Communication can also be seen as the transfer of information from one or more people to one or more other people

Lastly we can also define communication as a goal oriented process by which messages are passed from sources to receivers through adequate channels

On our next article we would discuss about other sub topics under communication

Thanks for you time please don't forget to like and comment

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Lack of communication leads to lack of information and lack of information leads to deformation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you're right

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my Christian living, Godly communication requires that we turn from evil and do good in our words. Well anyways, whatever it is, Good communication is a skill that must be taught. Being able to communicate well is vital for all...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah everyone with their own point of view

$ 0.00
3 years ago