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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

Technology is the future of this world we live in. What is TECHNOLOGY?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, advancement in human day-to-day activities have been on for years even in the time of the early men, those days when fire was like an amazing thing, every man then would like to see fire and watch it burn but as times went on humans now developed a means of starting fire instead of the initial lightening which would strike a dried tree or bush and start burning.

Humans discovered that fire can be started by striking two separate stones together and later discovered that instead of eating raw meat these meats can be placed on the fire for better taste, this is TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENT.

The Technology in the above brief explanation is the stone which was used to start a fire. In today's day-to-day lives we can see that the initial stone we used to start fire have now been replaced with cooking gas cylinder, stove, etc.


Phones, Gas cylinder, Stove, Headset, Car, Bike, Airplane, Bed, ship, etc.


1). Technology helps in easy communication across the globe, with the help of phones

2). Technology helps in transportation, with the help of cars, airplanes, ships

3). Technology helps in medical needs, with the help of medical technologies like pain killers that helps in pain relief, surgical instruments that are used for saving lives etc.

There are so many importance of Technology, the truth of this whole article is thatπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

TECHNOLOGY is really a blessing to man!

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate.

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Yours truly, πŸ’•


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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


Without technology, the world wouldn't have been where it is today. A lot of improvements and exposures.

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4 years ago