Love, a part of life

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3 years ago

Love is what keeps us moving in life. Love also brings passion and we all know that I'd we decide to chase dreams we first need to fall in love with that dream or have passion for it.

What is love?

Love is deep warm feeling of liking someone, something, or somewhere. Some will say "I have had experience with love and it was fantastic," while others will say otherwise. From the definition I gave earlier, love does not have to be sexual before it can be called love, there is the love of family, the love of friends, the love of people who want to see you succeed, AKA your fans, etc.

Why is love so important?

Love is very much important in the sense that if there is love in the Society everyone will have peace and be thinking of helping others in anyway they can, if there is love in the Society, crime rate will reduce in the sense that nobody would want to hurt someone he or she loves.

Let us all spread love everywhere we go and make our society a better place for everyone.


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Yours truly, πŸ’•


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3 years ago


Gud job

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3 years ago

You are very correct, love is an affection for someone or something but I have to disagree with you because there is love in society that's why society is the way it is. But what gives society a bad image is love directed towards the wrong things because it's love for money that encourages embezzlement and corruption but if that love can be directed towards the right reasons then society would truly improve for the better. We must learn to love what is good and righteous, things that won't cause harm to anybody.

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3 years ago