Would Artificially Intelligent Integrated Automation be a bad thing?

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3 years ago

There are legitimate arguments to be had on both sides of the fence, but which side do you take?

Since it's inception Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a rather controversial issue and for good reason.

We have all watched the Sci-Fi movies that portray Intelligent Robots as an End to Humanity type creation, but can we put logical safeguards in place to prevent such occurrences from ever happening.

That is a very good question, we have some great minds currently working on this subject and as of May 2021 no less than 100 Top companies are working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) I won't go into these in detail as you can read for yourself in the list of these which can be found at the following link:



image source presearch

However No matter how many safeguards we put into place there is always a risk of rogue states building Artificially Intelligent Auous Weapons or War machines, surveillance vehicles powered by AI and Automated technology, but before you decide maybe it is best to weight up both sides of the argument.


To help us get to a conclusion first let us discuss both the arguments for and against Artificial Intelligence, Integrated Automation and the proposed reasoning behind each argument.


There are many great arguments as to why Artificial Intelligence is one of our greatest achievements of the 21st Century, our current civilization is in itself a product of our own intelligence and because of this we have been able to create many advances both technological and medicinal.

Science and Discovery

Combining these two factors we have been able to create medicinal cures, treatments and vaccines, but with AI we can create an Artificial being that will help us to compute difficult mathematics much faster than our human brain will allow on it's own.

This will allow us to create better technologies that will hopefully aid mankind in a more healthy period of prolonged human life.

While also helping to reduce famine and disease.

Lab Grown Organs

We are already seeing these benefits, through current technology available to aid and observe medical operations and we are now taking this one step further by learning to grow organs from our own DNA.

This will lower the risk to almost zero that our bodies may reject implanted organs and put an end to people dying while on waiting lists for a donor organ.

If used correctly Automated AI Robotics systems could be a step closer to our own evolution, Automated AI like those that we are currently seeing being introduced by large corporations to replace human workers will create further employment opportunities in programing, development and maintenance, yes there are arguments against this but we will discuss them in the next section.

AI Employees

Automated AI could be used as personal security, Cleaners, for deliveries and transportation, manual labor and will replace exploited workers in positions they are unhappy in.

I believe there are plans to charge corporations a weekly tax on these Automated systems that replace a human worker which will then be used for a universal social payme

This will in turn allow people to pursue more meaningful employment that Artificially Intelligent and Integrated Automated machines cannot do.

There is also the upside to having more time to do the things you love, hobbies, spend time with family and loved ones and do things you enjoy.


Image Source futureoflife.org

Many big names in science and technology have spoken of their concerns and the risks posed by AI in the national media, these include. Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates to mention just a few.


The arguments against AI is a tricky subject to pin down as many people have a fear of the unknown, combined with Sci-Fi stories and predictions, but let me go over some of the main concerns.

One of the biggest concerns that people have is that any AI could be created in a way that it's goals misalign with those of Humanity, in this scenario we can see the worst possible outcome.

As we have learned from our own past, intelligent beings usually dominate other creatures, this is something we as humans have mastered over time, allowing us to control larger and sometimes more powerful creatures.

But could this be something we could offset over time as we work to build these systems or will it be abused like many other recent advances.


We are currently seeing how facial recognition software managed by AI can be abused and used as a tool to control whole populations, this technology is in operation in some of the larger Chinese Provinces and Cities and together with 5G technology and a social credit system it is being used as an effective deterrent against the Chinese people, is this something we want to see in our own Cities and Countries, the future place our children inherit.

Artificially Intelligent Autonomous Weapons

Many of the worlds largest Countries now use Smart Weapon technologies which include guided defense and missile systems, Artificially Intelligent Autonomous weapons, unmanned drone aircrafts and amphibians and of course exoskeletons and Robotics.

What is to stop a rogue state from using this technology against it's citizens for whatever reason further down the line or for that matter criminal gangs using it against whole communities.

These concerns are genuine, but the only way to truly prevent this is to build better systems, ones that will deter people from abusing such technologies, but how could this be done without actually using the AI technology.

Human Job Replacement

Robots will steel our jobs and with good reason many are concerned as we are seeing AI Controlled Automated robotics being used more and more to replace human workers by large corporations. It is up to us to offset this today by skilling up to a position that is not easily replaced for a Robot or better still to a skill that is needed to develop, build or maintain these new technologies.

I have only barely touched on this subject matter as it is a vast subject to cover with so many changing developments happening on a weekly and sometimes daily basis, to add more dept I have included links to further articles and a host of great reference material.


A more in dept explanation for the benefits and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence can be found on the Future of life organization website:


You will also find an exceptional list of reference video's and material on this website.


Artificial Intelligence could vastly improve many aspects of the financial, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, hell we are already seeing AI managed systems and algorithms producing one off NFTs.

Security could also be radically improved with biometrics being used to speed things up with accounts and wallets, trading strategies, Identifying scammers and spam and many other beneficial opportunities, but there could also be a risk that this technology could be abused to do the complete opposite.

Such as to breach long held wallets such as the one believed to be owned by the legendary Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

To bypass security procedures and to create sophisticated scams.

These are all topics that will no doubt be discussed in detail over the coming years as these Benefits and Risks become more and more prevalent.

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Thank You

Here are some associated Robot and Sci-Fi films for you to catch up on or check out.


I Am Mother

Real Steel



Robot & Frank



Chaos Walking


Shadow in the Clouds


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Written by
3 years ago
