If you have found yourself distracted lately with all the talk of the Pandemic, Politics, Cryptocurrencies, Gold, silver and Wall St bets you might be forgiven for thinking that the US Dollar is doing relatively fine but all is not as it seems, Americans much like the majority of people around the world haven't been paying attention as China re-invents currency in an attempt to remove the USD from the main stage, China have been working overtime to roll out CBDC, Chinese Bank Digital Currency since October 2020 and have been specifically marketing this currency as an alternative to the USD. A currency to end US sanctions.
China is fearsly planning ahead to protect their countries sovereign currency while the US and many countries have been asleep at the wheel and don't even get me started on Biden who appears to be paying less attention to this situation than the rest of us. In the video above by Mark Moss some may be shocked to discover exactly what China has planned, but in all honesty, most crypto users knew this was gonna happen, time to get prepared fast if you are not already.