The Bitcoin Cash Revolution Begins

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Written by
3 years ago

As of March 2021 Bitcoin cash (BCH) has taken a dramatic leap almost surpassing and rivalling that of Bitcoin itself in worldwide transactions and for good reason, it is doing exactly what Satoshi Nakamoto the pseudonymous person or persons who developed Bitcoin and authored the White paper had originally planned for it to become.


A unique P2P decentralized digital currency uncontrolled by third parties.

(BCH) the abbreviation used for Bitcoin cash has become the peoples go to cryptocurrency thanks in large part to platforms like, and of course which allow creators and publishers to converge in an online ecosystem of enthusiasts eager to expand the global reach of Bitcoin Cash.


Other great platforms worth a mention are of course and two Peer 2 Peer BCH Crowdfunding platforms aimed at helping new Bitcoin cash start-ups to be funded and thus grow and expand the (BCH) revolutionary ecosystem for all on a global scale.

These innovative idea's have lead the way for creators, publishers and investors to align and push ahead in creating a global use for (BCH) as a digital currency we can all use, not just to invest in for our futures but as an everyday currency that is quickly being adopted by the masses for everyday use in Towns and Cities around the World.


These Platforms and I am in “NO DOUBT” Social Media Sites of the future used consecutively with and privacy Browsers will make one hell of an incredible entry level BCH community ecosystem, which will continue to grow and expand thanks to some uniquely insightful people wise enough to envision the explosion still yet to come.


I can honestly say that I am personally grateful to all of those ingenious people who have given so many people that felt left behind by the BTC boom over a decade ago an equal opportunity to become a part of the ever growing future ecosystem in the bitcoin cash community, helping those who felt thay they would never be able to make the exodus from the doomed fiat currency that has aided in enslaving our world, to a currency that doesn't have exaggerated Gas fees like those associated with (BTC) transactions making (BCH) bitcoin cash the peoples choice as an everyday digital currency.


And last but not least it would have been impossible to write this article without mentioning two people the driving force behind such amazing platforms investors such as @MarcDeMesel and @RogerVer who generously funded and invested in some of the BCH pioneering business startups in the industry, we are all grateful for your wise decisions and having the conviction to put your money where you mouth is, “WE SALUTE YOU ALL”.


There has never been a more exciting time to get into cryptocurrencies than now and never a more exciting currency that Bitcoin Cash, I think its time we all followed in the footsteps of the giants that went before us, stepping out of the shadows to help grow and expand what is now an ever expanding and amazing community on the presifest of a Bitcoin Cash Revolution.

If you enjoyed my article please consider subscribing to my blog and tipping my work, Thank you so much, have a lovely day.

Further Bitcoin Cash resources



$ 1.72
$ 1.21 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 0.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Damxchange
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Written by
3 years ago


I have no idea so much .cash website exist out there without you mentioning it.. I quiet curious if those websites aside from and is still working.. Or is it to late to try it?

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Glad my article helped you, as far as I can see all of these platforms are fully operational, just click on the links provided and if I can be of any assistance, don't hesitate, we are stronger in numbers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

btw the link you provided has 404 error I wonder If your aware of that.. Still it's as simple as google to search for them Some are quite interesting while some I have no idea where to start Still It might take some time to figures them out..

$ 1.00
3 years ago

Sorry Wasnt aware there were any errors, let me know which one is an error and I will get you the correct link, plus if you have any problems with the others just let me know, Id be happy to help

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Basically all the link at Publish0x has a "404 page not found" error.. btw thanks for the tip that was greatly appreciated..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Here is a sign up link for PublishOX if you still need one hope that helps,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

already register after I read what you written thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article..

$ 0.00
3 years ago