Really Just STOP????????

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Blockchain, Social

I have noticed a disturbing trend of late where each blockchain social platform defunds articles written about other platforms, REALLY?

Is this honestly the best way forward, this will only prevent authors from writing inclusive articles and will downgrade not only the amount of new articles on platforms but the quality of the content in these articles, that's kind of like twitter saying you cannot like or retweet posts about Facebook and Facebook saying they have now designed algorithms that will only show your posts about twitter to 5% of your followers.

This is indeed a sad day for so called decentralized blockchain social media platforms and could spell doom for those already in operation if the whales don't take there heads out of their assess and wake the fuck up, otherwise this will pave the way for a more inclusive multi blockchain social platform that includes all blockchains, I really hope those so called whales are waking up, because you appear to be putting glue in the keyhole of your own apartment door locks. Right now.

We are becoming our own enemies, bickering and fighting about what content should and shouldn't be allowed, when the whole purpose of a decentralized blockchain is anonymity, privacy and the fact that no central figure can judge, dismiss or threaten to remove or demonetize your work, simply because it is unsatisfactory to them, even though you have people that follow and like your work.

Most of the time your articles written elsewhere actually drive traffic to these platforms or have they also forgotten that simple fact.

Restrict what can be monetized and restrict the possibility to bring in new users, I am not complaining far from it, I am happy to be able to bring in some crypto income for my articles, but I also want to be able to promote my work on one platform everywhere else....

We are all one big crypto ecosystem and to start with this nonsense when you already have established content creators is no different than You-tube refusing to allow creators to promote cryptocurrency payments,


Nowhere fast is where, to be innovators you have to stay ahead of the curve, but to switch back to old tactics so soon is rather disappointing and will drive authors away in their droves.

It has become increasingly difficult to write satisfying articles for each platform and to make any reasonable income many authors are having to write on many unfamiliar platforms, sometimes that includes bringing followers from one platform to the next and back again, this is becoming increasingly hard, sometimes time consuming and unprofitable which will inevitably prevent authors from bothering to try.

We need to stop these shenanigans and look for ways to join forces with other blockchains and platforms to better monetize content through the blockchain whether it be writing articles for competitions held by crypto platforms, exchanges, mining or staking in wallets etc and start to grow as one crypto community, the real enemy will soon be apon our door and if we continue to in fight, then we are doomed before we even begin and really what is the point.

We are stronger together isn't just a saying, it actually has a meaning don't say it if you don't mean it.

A community divided is not a community.

But a community united can make progress and positive changes that drive the ecosystem far beyond what was thought possible only as one collective can this be done, will you continue to complain about others or will you actually stand up and do something.

I know which I will be doing, I cannot speak for others.....

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Blockchain, Social


It's not as easy as it seems because not everyone can write anything take me for example I can think thousands of topics to start a thread but when I start writing I instantly blank out and ended up not writing at all until I gave up writing one and made me realize I'm not that author material thing.. It's part of human nature after all the internet is like a very wide other world thing.. And their is no clear rules or laws to follow and anyone can be king and queens on their own little world.. So while the popularity of the so called decentralized blockchain social media platforms is rising but it's nothing really new for them to die at an early stage or survive longer as the real world isn't even aware that it exist.. While the members may seem a lot but in reality they are just a drop of a water from the real world population..

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