Pobpunks 4th Edition has gone live, Additional Airdrop update incoming

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2 years ago

The 4th edition of Pobpunks NFTs has started to drop in the marketplace, with some cool new additions to the collection which I hope to continue evolving weekly.

Tomorrow I will post an update on a further airdrop to all those that have received a Pobpunk NFT through, giveaways, contests and purchases in the marketplace.

I have been really busy this week promoting Pobpunks and the Pob NFT marketplace on other main stream platforms, not sure it has been going too well, but hey only time will tell.

Those that took part in the promotional offer last week to promote the NFT marketplace via additional social media and correctly posted a link in the comments will also be sent their promotional NFT Tomorrow for their participation.

The sale price has again risen by 10% in line with planned tokenomics as can be seen in the table below.

This weeks Pobpunks are now 39.93 POB per NFT in line with the fourth edition release.

Contests Update
I am planning further contests and have also had an offer of POB donations from @richardcrill, which will be a welcome additional prize for entrants, which we need to discuss in detail before I post an update on that. he has also given me an awesome Idea for Pobpunks NFT to earn POB over time if not listed for sale on the marketplace, which would be an awesome way for Pobpunks to have an immediate use case going forward.

I am not 100% sure how this will work at the minute, we need to discuss these options and look at the best way to bring this to the Pobpunks Familia in the community.

The Pobpunks NFT comic book contest will be one such contest as I would like to get that finalised soon, I have just been pre-occupied with the design, rendering and minting of the NFTs, so expect an update once I have a little extra time to put that together.

No date has been set yet, but I hope to update you guys on this shortly.

Pobscholarship Fund
The @pobscholarship has recently had two applications, one from @holovison who creates community focused NFTs on the Palnet front end and is currently active in the POB and VYB communities and a second from @astrocreator who is planning to bring Astro Wrestlers NFTs to the community, but does not yet have the necessary POB power.

I would suggest if you have time, swing by and give them both support as future Pob community NFT creators and check out the recent post by @pobscholarship about these two applications 2 Pob Scholarship Applicants

If you missed the original post about the Pobpunks Launch, Presale and Tokenomics you can find that HERE

Final Notes
If you would like me to tag you in future Pobpunks NFT updates let me know in the comments below, I will be happy to do so. or if your would like to be taken off the list also let me know
Here is a list of previous giveaway participants and some friends that requested a tag, that might like to grab one or another NFT @samsmith1971 @vikbuddy @alovely088 @wrestlingdesires @chincoculbert @funshee @mayorkeys @heskay @subidu @esperosh1ve @khaleesii @young-boss-karin @samostically @b0s @princessj190 @wrestlingdesires @ifarmgirl @andy-plays @doziekash @ozohu @baned @mineopoly

You can also keep up to date on the Pobpunks discord server HERE

Useful Links
Disclaimer: Some links are referral links and I may earn a little crypto when you use my link, others are not, but all beneficial for content creators seeking to earn alternative cryptocurrencies by writing original content.

Proof of brain

$ 1.35
$ 1.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
2 years ago
