Diversity is key in a world gone mad.

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Written by
3 years ago

Could buying up massive amounts of crypto currency be another part of the elites NWO agenda 21/30 to move forward into a cashless society and completely inslave mankind, Ive been excited by the rise in crypto values recently but when you stop to think about the fact that once fiat currency is gone whats to stop apps from charging extortionist transfer and hightened gas fees, the shops will follow suit you will be paying massively at both ends of a transaction and there aint a damn thing you will be able to do about it, then if all the mom and pop stores have been destroyed by the lockdowns you can bet your bottom bitcoin you will be paying more for the previliege to spend your own crypto especially to the conglomerate tech giants, just some thoughts of caution in a world filled with panic and rage, maybe diversifying your investments between crypto, fiat currency, precious metals, energy, food, stocks, land and stuff that can be bartered is the real clever move in a planet full of bad choices. Be cautious and wise in all your financial decisions, but most importantly an economist.

By Jaxson

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Written by
3 years ago


You write well and have something essential to say; try to write longer articles so you have a chance to get tipped by the RandomRewarder as well. Count minimum about 600 words.

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3 years ago

That you for the kind advice, I hope you will check out my new article: The changing climates of the Cryptoverse alternatively you might consider following my blog at https://www.publish0x.com/?a=openZv27e7

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3 years ago

I agree with that sentiment and well put. 30-40 years back, you could become rich if you put in your money in only a couple of companies like Coca Cola but now diversity is key I would think.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes some people are too worried about making quick profits and neglect the fact that the more wisely diverse your investment the better long term and compound benefits you will reap

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3 years ago