A man of five or six feet, whose life is not in his own hands, who did not come into being by his own will, nor can he live forever by his own will. If he stops breathing, he cannot restore it, but this man of five or six feet is standing as a claimant of God and is living a life worse than that of an animal. Apparently it has no enemy but it is its own great enemy. Man who explores the universe by stepping on the moon today is also deprived of the God hidden in his heart. Who created him? And why created? When no factory in the world comes into being automatically, how did such a big factory in the world come into being and not only did it come into existence but it is running continuously. If the sun moves an inch away from its place, there is no force that can bring it back to its place. This is the sky whose heights our eyes see every day, which extends to the limit of sight.
To this day, no one has been able to touch it, let alone cover it. There are countless stars in the sky that are many times bigger than our sun. But they reveal their reality to us in the sky every day, that they are nothing, that there are many galaxies that we are in a state of time to reach. There are so many realities like this that are scattered around us. But our intellect is forgiven and dazzled. To those who see, everything looks like the sky, but those who do not see, even after searching for the sky, could not reach the sky. We have plenty of time to think and understand, but we are not ready to think. This stagnation of thinking is likening man to an animal. The clock of our life is counting down and life is melting like ice. Apparently, those who understand everything have understood everything in this life. If this is all life and nothing after death
So very good is he who has obtained the wealth of the world in every lawful and unlawful way. But if it is not as it seems, then what will happen to the man who wasted all his time. The human intellect says that there is no harm in believing in God, but there is no harm in not believing in God. If God is believed, then his divinity also begins to appear automatically. Of course, when He created, there must have been some purpose. How can I believe that when nothing in the world is without a purpose, we have come into the world without a purpose? The sun, the moon, the stars, and every particle of this world are proof that nothing was created without purpose. There is nothing in this factory of nature that has the power to ruin this factory. If anyone is causing damage in this factory, it is this person. Every living and non-living thing is imprisoned in its own sphere. The lion hunts
So after attacking only one animal and satisfying his hunger, he does not attack anyone without any reason. In the same way, every living thing does its work in its own sphere. To date, we have not seen any living thing, such as a well, drinking water from a pipe. The fish may have tried to get out of the water and live on the ground, and so on and so forth. But it has been observed that man has hunted many human beings to cool his anger. Man began to fly in the air and go underwater. The smoke created by him began to change the environment. Man has the power to do whatever he wants. Doesn't the creator of the world care about protecting his world? He doesn't seem to care
Anyone can do whatever he wants. But if you think about it, then this freedom seems to be somewhat limited. The history of the world bears witness to the fact that when a nation or a human being posed a threat to the existence of the world, the law of this God came into being and many Nimrod, Hitler and Genghis Khan disappeared from history after heaping skulls. Now it would not be wrong for me to say that the Lord of the worlds loves human beings immensely. Had it not been so, he would never have ended this world. Just as a mother loves her child and then rebukes him for what is wrong, so the Creator God loves more than 70 mothers. Selfless and selfless love! He also sometimes reprimands us to get straight.
But like a spoiled child, we get so lost in the toys of our world that we become so oblivious to the Creator that we seem to have grown so big that we have grown up. Then when the Creator ever snatches one of our loved ones (toys) from our hands to attract us, we start complaining about it. None of our buses run on it. But still he never left us alone for a moment. He is attracted to us, but even if someone calls him. If he ever gets the time, call him once in solitude only once with a sincere heart, then he will see and then he will tell whether there is a God or not. Then he will tell you what life is like.