Effective Use of ICT in Science Education

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2 years ago

We, teachers, do not have to perform the task of teaching by ourselves. With the fast growing technology, we can helped by using teaching aids every time we teach Science subject to our students. This can be done by using the Information Communication Technology (ICT) for its premises effective and better learning.

As for Philippine Educational System, the adopting of the K-12 program had made a big change and impact in the atmosphere of the learning environment of our students. With this, teachers are expected to adopt and innovate ways of their teachings so students of this generation can easily understand and comprehend.

I will discuss for this article some of the benefits of using ICT in Teaching Science.

Science teaching must be more visual and experiential. We can use videos discussing Science concepts in class like movies, documentaries, and videos on experiments or mini lessons to get our students' attention. With the help of computers it will be easier for us to teach with the help of these aids. according to the Trends in International Mathematics.

Pontevedra, Capiz and Science Study (TIMSS), a study was conducted on 2011 reveals that resources used by teachers as classroom instruction is one of the major factors that influence students' achievements. They examine the use of ICT in teaching Science in Malaysia and the effects on students' achievement based on the TIMSS 2011 results. And the result was the use of ICT has a greater effect on making the students' interest to grow in learning Science.

ICT plays a major role in human activities in everyday living in order to cope and adopt to the demand of the environment. ICT is just the learning tool just it does not ensure learning.The most important is the application of skill; which improves students understanding. Operational skills cannot be ignored, but teachers should make sure that this should not predominate over application skills. For the Science teacher, an important aspect of application skills resides in the investment in task design, target setting and intervention strategies.

It will motivate and further inspire our students.Using computers is a good thing. The response of many students seems to be predominantly one of high motivation. Millenial teenagers are more into the technology. Teaching in a traditional way would not be of big help. In the eyes of the students, it is boring and out of date.

The real keys in making our Students love Science by using ICT still depends upon us teachers. It is the teachers' role to guide the learners as they do their activities, make them reflect from what they learn and ask them questions about the concepts you have tackled during your class.

INFORMATION technology is one of the most prevalent forces that drive our society nowadays. Technologies and resources are used to communicate and disseminate information. These include computers, Internet, television and cellphones, among others. With new inventions and technological breakthrough, a man' s imagination is captured.

Use of ICT in teaching Science enriches and deepens skills of pupils to explore.They become motivated during hands on activities that could break down classroom walls, bringing them in contact with people and place that were not possible before. Technological resources allow independent learning that facilitates the equality among learners in developing life skills- important for a lifelong learning experiences and productive living.

Lead image: https://www.google.com/search?q=ict+on+teaching+science++lead+image&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi5pbSNwq3xAhULhZQKHSNYB24Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=ict+on+teaching+science++lead+image&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoECCEQCjoECB4QClC7mAJY_tECYKjWAmgCcAB4AIAB6ASIAdQgkgEMMC4xOS4xLjEuMC4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=1wjTYPndKYuK0gSjsJ3wBg&bih=630&biw=360&prmd=ivn#imgrc=j32MEgmVpbyuRM

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2 years ago
