Transgender (A Human)...

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Written by
3 years ago

Hello to all the members here...

I hope you are all good and and yours day well...

It’s time to create a world that recognizes the rights of transgender people. The process is as universal as it gets: when a baby is born, a doctor, parent, or birth attendant announces the arrival of a “girl” or “boy.” But when a transgender is born no one announces his arrival & if they do then they do it with some kind of guilt like it’s some kind of sin to give birth to such creature and then after his arrival they, his parents and siblings, treat him like he is some kind of monster so we do.

We the people who make society, who have the responsibility to make society better, treat someone important for our society so badly. Some times we treat animals better than them so we consider them something inferior to animals. In our so-called highly sophisticated society animals have rights but transgenders don’t. In majority cases when they are born their parents leave them into some center and pretend to believe that such centers will take care of their kids but in reality, they know that such centers will use them for making money by pushing them in some kind of illegal businesses like prostitution & begging.

Everyone in our society has some duties to fulfill and this everyone includes transgenders too. We don’t let them do their duty. We don’t let them get an education. We don’t let them live a respectable life and get their rights. We created two entirely different topics like “HUMAN RIGHTS” and “TRANSGENDER RIGHTS”, proving that even people talking about transgenders’ rights don’t consider them humans. There should be a single topic of “HUMAN RIGHTS” including transgenders as the third gender. We the so-called HUMANS talk about emotions and then crack jokes on people whose parents left them because they were not like others, they were different.

They are different but they are special. They can do things we can’t do. They deserve the same rights as ours. We live a fake life thinking that by violating transgenders’ rights we can get our rights. We are creating a class in our societies that is hungry to dominate us and then violate our rights. Everything works perfectly if it has balance. So, our rights system will work perfectly when we start giving transgenders’ the rights they deserve and they should have.

We get things we want when we start putting efforts into it. Transgenders will get their rights when they will understand or when people who want them to get their rights, teach them that what you are doing, or what you are told to do or what they told you you are, you are not that monster. You are special. Because no one is going to do everything for you. You’ve to put some of your efforts.
So start treating transgenders like you treat your gender-mates and you will see some people around you with emotions and determination to achieve goals as you’ve never seen.

I hope you all people like my article...

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Written by
3 years ago


Wow that's so interesting, great article 😇👍

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Wow that's so interesting

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3 years ago

Wonderfull content

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3 years ago