5 things you must quit..

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Avatar for Janefrancises
3 years ago

A caption every individual must read...

Trying to please everyone

Don't be a peoples pleaser....live life on your own terms and have the courage to go on your own way.

Saying yes to everyone's requests means you're saying no to something else.If you're used to answering questions based on what you think people want to hear,you will likely have difficult making decisions.

Over thinking

Over thinking is destructive and mentally draining.it can make you feel like you're struck in one place,and if you don't act,it can greatly act on your day to day life.It can quickly put your health and total well being at risk.

Many people over thinks because they are scared of the future, and what could potentially go wrong.

Putting yourself down

Putting yourself down can be damaging to your self esteem and self confidence. That includes the words you say out loud in addition to your internal negative self talk.Negative thought and words can be very believable and they distract your perception about yourself.They impact in your sence of self wortth.

The fear of change

The fear of change is the most common fears people face.I see it frequently among people.

Change is difficult for everyone;there are few people that don't feel somewhat anxious at the prospect of a major upheaval in their lives.

The problem comes when fear of change keeps people paralyzed in situations that are not healthy or fulfilling ,or when their fear of change isn't confined to significant changes,but encompasses relatively minor,daily changes in routine.

Living in the past

There is a difference between thinking about the past and living in it.Sometimes we live in the past because it's familiar, we know what happened; there are no surprises.

Are you living in the past? You can ask yourself the following questions to help you figures it out

*Is there one particular period from the past that you find yourself changing on to.

*Do you feel that you will never reach that level of happiness/status/satisfaction/acceptance again.

*Are you frustrated with where you are currently are in life?

*Are you fearful of the future?

*Does thinking about the past actually make you sad.

Living in the past is a problem because it robs you of the present. Not enjoying the present? If you aren't happy where you are,living in the past allows you to avoid dealing with issues in the present.

Thanks for reading.

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Avatar for Janefrancises
3 years ago


A good article to read this morning. All are on point especially the free yourself from the past and dont fear of change.

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User's avatar Yen
3 years ago