Human skills are lost by the progress of the times

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2 years ago

Because of technology, we no longer have to travel for days by horse or on foot to meet relatives whose homes are out of town. We also don't have to write long letters and send them via the post office to ask each other how they are doing. It is undeniable, technology is very easy.

But without us realizing it, technological advances have also eroded many of the skills we used to have. Everything that we used to do manually, can now be helped with practical tools. Well, roughly these skills were what we used to have before being spoiled by advances in technology.

- We become accustomed to chatting via fingers. As communication skills are eroded, socializing activities are no longer needed

Technology does make communication easier. No need to come all the way or linger waiting for a telegram reply that is expensive. Socialization also does not need to be face to face. Just type and send, then the message will be sent at the same time. In fact, if you chat directly with other people, you are unwittingly practicing the skills to master expressions and emotions. The ability to regulate body gestures, read situations, as well as get used to being brave enough to speak in front of many people. This skill is being eroded by technology. Because with communication via thumb, of course these things don't need to be a problem anymore.

- Because there are many online applications to find addresses, most of us must have rarely read maps

In the past, reading the map was quite difficult and included a skill to be proud of. Moreover, there is a stigma that girls usually can't read maps. But now to find directions, you no longer have to have good map reading skills. Many online map applications can guide you in detail, when to turn right and when to turn left. If the arrow symbols are not enough, there are also applications that provide voice features. So while you're looking for directions, there are people constantly telling you where to go. But if you don't have wifi and your data package runs out, you might get lost if you can't read traditional paper maps.

- Your math skills were pretty good. Now calculate the total lunch, you have to use a calculator

Do you still remember the technique of counting with the abacus? If you are an expert, you can process mathematics in your head in a short time. Of course this will be very useful when you are shopping or buying something. But with the presence of a calculator, why bother to calculate it yourself? From simple operations like add, multiply, subtract, and divide, to complex operations with trigonometric formulas, all you have to do is use a calculator. Even if you were lazy to carry a calculator everywhere, now every cellphone must be equipped with a calculator feature. Unless you're in school or become an office treasurer, of course you rarely do calculations using paper.

- When you were still in the landline era, you memorized the numbers of all your friends. Now, maybe you don't even know your own number?

In addition to mathematical abilities, technology is also eroding the ability to remember little by little. With the phonebook menu and automatic call history, you don't need to memorize your friends' phone numbers. Then with the alarm and reminder menu, you also don't need to remember the birthdays of your special people. When setting up an appointment with someone, just write it down on the calendar, and let the machine remember it. Unlike when you were a child, you must have memorized the home phone numbers of your classmates. That's technology. Helping you remember, as well as eroding your memory skills.

- When the smartphone is equipped with the autocorrect feature, then you no longer need to learn the dictionary. Maybe one day we won't need to understand the language anymore

does anyone still write by hand?

What is clear is that technology erodes your ability to write with your fingers or manually. Now take a piece of paper and write down a sentence. It's cool if your writing is still good and your fingers don't feel stiff. Laptops, ipads, tablets, and even smartphones can become neater and easier to read notes. In fact, when writing by hand, it's not only your handwriting that matters, but also how you memorize Indonesian spelling and structure. While with these items, you can rely on the autocorrect feature to automatically correct your spelling mistakes. Learning the rules of the language is no longer important.

- As long as there is the word 'spread' or 'share for the sake of your loved ones', you just believe anything on social media. Reading a book or watching the news is no longer necessary

Lazy to find out more

Well, this is the most dangerous. Technology that should make it easier for us to access information, in fact it backfires and increases our laziness to seek the right information. Especially on social media, true and false information is mixed and must be sorted out first so as not to be trapped by hoaxes. Unfortunately, many are too lazy to look for facts and decide to just believe it because there are sentences 'spread' or 'like = go to heaven'. The ease of information that should make us more critical, actually extinguishes the spirit to find out.

- Everywhere take an ojek, buy this and that's delivery. It's a pity that your feet are rarely used for walking anymore

Technology does make life more practical. Now to buy everything can be done from the bed without the need to move anywhere. Orders will come automatically to your doorstep. Lazy to go out to find food, just use the delivery menu. If you want to go somewhere, all you have to do is use an online transportation service that can pick you up and take you to your doorstep. If you are not diligent in taking the time to exercise, your feet that are rarely used for walking can be dangerous for your health.

Technology was created to facilitate human life. That way, 24 hours can be used more productively and produce something. But if you don't use it wisely, technology can actually be misleading. And perhaps in the midst of the onslaught of technology, there are skills that shouldn't be taken away.

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2 years ago
