Home Workout Movement for those who just want to start exercising

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1 year ago

Who doesn't want to live a healthy life? Healthy living is everyone's dream in this world. In addition to prolonging a healthy life, it also affects a person's happiness. Especially in times when the danger of the virus is rife, it would be better to start a healthy lifestyle. While filling your spare time, it will be more useful if you fill it with exercise. The easiest solution is to do exercise at home with tools available at home too.

You only need to use your free time which you usually fill by just scrolling through the social media timeline or just sitting in your room, so there's no longer a term wasting time if you take advantage of your free time to shape your body and reduce fat on yourself. Here are sports recommendations that you can do to start a healthy life. And remember to always warm up before exercising.

1. Push ups

Who doesn't know push ups? The easiest exercise that you can do anywhere and anytime. The trick is to position your body on your stomach and your feet bend so that your body is held by only your toes, then your palms are parallel to your lower ribs or parallel between your chest and your upper abdomen. Lift your body and lower it slowly, until your body is as close to the floor as possible, then lift it up again. Do this repeatedly until you reach your maximum limit, and give yourself a break.

2. Leg raises

How to do this movement is quite easy, that is, position your body on your back on the floor or mat, then straighten and close your legs. Lift your legs straight then lower your legs slowly, don't lower them slowly because slowly is the key to this exercise. Feel your abdominal muscles tug with the exercise, and remember to always do it as much as you can and slowly because in this exercise it's not just the amount that matters but how you maximize your every move.

3. Squat

Well this time this movement will feel easier than before. This time you just need to stand up, then position yourself as if you were going to squat. Pull your buttocks back while lowering so that your legs form 90°. Do this movement as many times as you can, trying as much as possible until your thighs feel tight.

4. Plank

This movement will be even easier, you only need to be in a prone position on the floor or mat then hold your body with your elbows, hold your feet in the form of tiptoes. Hold this position for less than 30 seconds, and always add 10 seconds per day each time you do a plank. This movement will shape and burn fat in your stomach.

5. Mountain Climber

This time it's a mountain climber, friends, not a social climber, let alone breaking a bucket, NOPE! Not that. The mountain climber is a movement that forces your body to work all, especially the lower abdominal muscles because it is these muscles that often work in this movement. The trick is to simply position yourself bent over with your arms straight supporting your body. Then pull your legs back straight as you did the plank.

Next, move your feet back and forth quickly but consistently as if you were running. Do this movement repeatedly for up to 60 seconds, give it a rest after 60 seconds and then do it again.

Image source from Unplash.com

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Avatar for Jametz
Written by
1 year ago
