Event on discord to earn money
In the midst of my wanderings in forums and discord servers, I came across a new server, somewhat intriguing, thus awakening in me a great doubt about its functioning, so I decided to delve into its information that was available and to talk to its moderators, where I got an incredible understanding about it.
This server is called Clover, and it was created with the intention that people can make money with games, participate in sweepstakes and award-winning contests, I found it quite different for a discord server, I believe it has great potential for growth if people adhere to the idea and like how the whole process will be.
On the 12/27th there will be a small opening event for this server that will feature some prize games and raffles, participation in this event will be free and I believe it will be a great experience, below I will leave the link for everyone to come and participate in this event and good luck in this new experience.
Server link: