"This society is Hypocrite"

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Avatar for Jam-Adnan
3 years ago

This society is a very hypocrite ′′

​we only see the men progress and imagine things around him by then. I wrote today what Pakistan's best Drama writer said about hypocrites of the society.

Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar Sahib writes that when I was young, I was very egoistic and despite poverty, I never wore the clothes of used or lunda. Once my father got a gift of a cloth suit, I told him I want to make a coat. So dad gave permission and from half suit I got a round neck coat that was a great custom back then

When I went to my uncle's house wearing a coat, my aunt and cousins asked : ′′ Oye _ Khele _ a _ coat _ where _ did _ you _ take _ it

I said: ′′ I have bought uncle ′′ but they didn't accept I swore but they didn't believe it. When I went to aunt house, something like this happened there too. I came home and took off the coat and threw it and started crying. ۔ ۔

The situation was such that no one was ready to believe that even Khela can make a new coat.

When I became a member of the Board of Directors of a bank after reading and writing a job, I was cleaned well in a meeting of the Board of Directors. I wore a coat of Lunda, and my coworkers touched my coat and asked: ′′ Khalil Sir, this is a very cute coat, what is the brand? Cloth and stitching is also amazing ′′

I said without any shame: ′′ Brother, i have taken from the lunda ′′ but he did not accept that I swore, but he did not believe it. And this time I started laughing instead of crying

It is true that this society is a very hypocrite. It does not trust the truth of the poor and it seals the truth on the lies of the rich.

Khalil ur Rehman Qamar

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