Interpersonal Relationships

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To be successful in the world of work, in social networks such as bloggers, youtubers, among others, we must first assess our abilities and weaknesses in order to promote the development of self-esteem that leads inexorably towards the achievement of our goals and therefore, allows us to establish enriching relationships with our peers, affiliated followers or customers.

What are the specific objectives to achieve it?

1.-Appreciate the capabilities and potential that we have, to guide them towards personal development.

2.- Perceive communication as an essential process to achieve the establishment of effective interpersonal relationships.

3.-Identify the behaviors that characterize a person with a high level of achievement motivation, to try to incorporate them into our own profile.

Having said this, to establish respectful contacts with our peers, we must begin by knowing ourselves. Having a clear and objective concept of our potentialities, desires and needs allows us to shape our self-esteem.

The communication process occurs in various forms such as the verbal that is common to all members of a given culture. The non-verbal also known as body language that fulfills a complementary function. And finally, assertive communication that has to do with the congruence between what is said, how it is said and how it is done.

Taking into account self-esteem and good communication, we can predict the characteristics of a successful person, both in the social sphere and in the labor sphere.



1.- what you say

2.-what you are really saying.

3.- what another person hears.

4.- what the other person thinks he hears

5.- what you think what the other person hears.

Let's think for a moment about some factors that influence the messages that are sent.

1.- All conduct, everything one does is motivated. We do nothing by accident. We may not be aware of our motivators but they are always present, therefore, whenever you do something and even without doing anything, we are communicating.

2.- There is always a motivation for a simple message. This is the reason why what we say is often not as clear to others as when we think it.

These factors explain why many times, we are not aware of everything we transmit. Our behavior as members of a group communicates things of which we are not aware. Many may receive messages of hostility, confusion, anxiety, uncertainty, shyness or, of human warmth and friendship that were what we thought to transmit at the beginning.

Communication is the means we use to establish a relationship, we use it to negotiate and interact, exchange ideas between people, we use it to expose our feelings and they provide us with data to infer from those feelings.

Communication is not only verbal communication also occurs without words or non-verbal. Many times, the most important and persuasive part of communication is non-verbal. It is in ascent, gestures, facial expressions and posture. A furtive look at the clock during an interview, tapping fingers repeatedly are signs that can say more about our feelings than the words we use.



It is the feeling of personal value and it is the most important factor to build a harmonious personality, since it makes us feel that we can achieve what we set out to do within the limits of reality and quality.

A useful exercise to collect information about our self-image and the way others perceive us (PROJECTED IMAGE), is the Johari window which does not allow us to visualize valuable information about aspects to be reinforced and improved. The window is made up of four boxes that correspond to the areas of our personality, so we have free, blind, hidden and dark areas, as shown in the following figure.

It is known to all that to the extent that we know ourselves better, we will have a greater capacity to understand our fellow men. This knowledge is the basis of interpersonal relationships, and is projected towards the family, in the workplace and especially in our environment.


In the personal field: It represents what we are, it is the field of our mental models, our virtues, skills, and our integrity as people.

In the family environment: It is in which we come into the world. With ours, we are united by a strong bond that is love and they deserve us to think about it.

In the field of interpersonal relationships: It is based on trust, appreciation and identification. It explicitly corresponds to relationships with our peers, whether they are followers and temporary or permanent clients, but they have a lot of influence in our daily lives.

In the organizational sphere: It corresponds to those organizations to which we belong voluntarily or necessarily and is linked to our sense of cooperation.

At the community level: It shapes our little world. Where we live, our parish, neighborhood. It corresponds to our sense of participation and has much to do with our development as social beings and not isolated.

At the national level: It corresponds to our sense of solidarity and is represented by our country, where we share a language, a territory, a government and a national project.

In the global sphere: It is the one that we share with other beings on the planet and where the sense of conservation and the future must prevail.



To achieve a harmonious personal development, we must begin by knowing in depth our abilities, potentialities and weaknesses, which implies becoming aware of ourselves, as well as the strengths and weaknesses they possess.

All of us who are part of the word "I", a concept that serves to refer to ourselves and highlight our importance and personal significance. This word takes on even more meaning when we add the "WE" to the "I". Through the knowledge of the "I" and the "WE", we acquire tools that allow us to focus our attention both on the facts and on the way to transform them, generating new behaviors. By making use of the ability to know ourselves to understand ourselves and accept others as they are, they help us to be more positive.

The discovery of one's own capacities, the measurement of one's strengths and the selection of those that have a greater probability of success is what we call self-knowledge and self-evaluation.

Once we know each other, the fact of accepting ourselves as we are constitutes the starting point of personal and harmonious development with our peers, in a few words, this is called self-acceptance. A person who loves himself and the people around him will feel good about himself and his environment as well as in social networks, it is likely to have a positive impact on his social environment.


Believe in yourself

It is the force that leads us towards the achievement of valid objectives by our own merit and by the effort we put in contributing something valuable for ourselves and for others. This personal effort is subsequently translated into the satisfaction of the task or work well done. Achievement motivation always involves an aspiration and a desire to reach higher and higher quality goals.

How to take advantage of our true potential to achieve full individual development? How to succeed and succeed in everything we do and show to others?

Well, that person should start cultivating more widely, just like an athlete does to achieve excellence.

- The desire to do an excellent job.

- Find the best methods to do it. Be innovative.

-Take moderate and manageable risks.

-Be restless.

-Put effort in a certain plane.

In which of these categories would you like to belong?

In that of successful people, or in those who are not.

Let's get to know a little about them.

According to Abraham Maslow, the human being has five types of needs organized into two groups. Lower and higher order level.



Successful people are characterized by having a high motivation to achieve, which translates into the performance of quality work since the satisfaction of a job well done represents the emotional reward for the effort invested in the proposed goal.


1.-They are capable of accepting well-founded criticism and correcting it.

2.-They are handled with criteria of honesty and sincerity, they know how to listen and think before speaking.

3.-They are permanently in search of opportunities.

4.-They know their potential (self-knowledge) well and they know what their limit is and therefore, they calculate the risk margin making it manageable.

5.- They have a broad sense of personal respect (self-respect) and for the rest, it allows them to work in teams exchanging ideas and respecting different points of view.

6.- They have a sense of creative work that allows them to see it as a source of their self-development. They generate ideas, create and produce results efficiently using their resources properly.

Regarding their behaviors and decisions, these people have:





-Able to guide others.

-Ability for communication, planning, innovation and service.


Unsuccessful people, despite the fact that they have a lot of potential and possibilities to achieve it, are not because they often blame others for their failures, without realizing that they are the only protagonists of their own failures. This is due to a poor and distorted image of themselves (low self-esteem) and low achievement motivation.

We can recognize these people because they frequently use phrases like these:

- can't do it

-I will never be rich

-I always make mistakes and do everything to lose

I have no aptitude for that.

I'm not as good as...

-I don't deserve to do it.

In terms of their behaviors and decisions, these people are:

1.- Little risky or too risky.

two,. They are not responsible for their performance, they are passive and not very innovative.

3.- They reject or evade criticism. They do not seek to evaluate their performance.

4.- They do not have a plan of progressive attempts.

5.- They are passive or very impulsive.

In short, the success we have depends on us and no one else. Work honestly and be respectful with our peers, allies and we will achieve success.

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The concept of interpersonal relationship involves social associations, connections, or affiliations between two or more people. Interpersonal relationships vary in their degree of intimacy or self-disclosure, but also in their duration, in their reciprocity and in their power distribution, to name only a few dimensions. The context can vary from family or kinship relations, friendship, marriage, relations with associates, work, clubs, neighborhoods, and places of worship. Relationships may be regulated by law, custom, or mutual agreement, and form the basis of social groups and of society as a whole. Interpersonal relationships are created by people's interactions with one another in social situations

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1 year ago