Don't faint. Move forward until you achieve what you expect

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1 year ago
  • Many people around the world are influenced by the voice of seduction, greed and evil. Those people tied to the world that surrounds them, are the most likely to wither their souls, to bend their wills, and to harden their hearts imposing on themselves, their lineage and descent, a deep generational curse.

  • We know that defeat enters through the mind. The fear that we humans have of the unknown controls our emotions and paralyzes our ability to act. The inner conflict that is generated by losing everything after taking it for granted, grows like a snowball until it destroys us. The only way to move forward to solve things is to accept the reality we live in and in the midst of these difficulties and paralyzing fear, to fight for the future, that is the only answer because no one else will do it for you.

  • Life is always difficult and challenging. It presents us with crossroads and dichotomies to face. Therefore, we must put into practice our ability to discern. If we don't act on time, if we stay mired in sorrow and failure, this will lead us straight to destruction.

  • If we cannot overcome the challenges of life, and the frustration that the mind imposes, we will end up prisoners of defeat. We would live dejected, with a hardened heart and blinded by ignorance, we would lose faith.

  • Consequence of uncertainty

  • Essence of depression and anxiety. This may be due to our inability to assume and accept changes. In addition, it plays an important role in our tendency to worry excessively. Causes anxiety, fear, apathy and paralyzes confidence in our inner strength

  • But... just as the mind can become our executioner, it can also become our main support. The heart and the will strengthens it. If these three elements are constituted in seeds that we plant in the land without weeding it, without fertilizing and watering it first, any stormy wind can be enough to destroy it because its root was not sufficiently entrenched. That's life, we reap what we sow, if we sow in a good place, the fruit that will come out of it will be sweet and juicy, not like that, if we do it in a bad place, it would grow sterile and without purpose.

What is fear?

Fear is the reaction that occurs in the face of imminent danger.

What makes us afraid?

The variety of stimuli that this emotion generates in us are so complete, so extensive that it is impossible for us to enumerate them. Anything can cause fear in a certain person.


When we feel fear we believe that we have a low capacity for control and prediction. However, we consider that we need to face it imminently and to do so, we mobilize a whole series of behaviors. We always avoid and/or escape from what produces that fear in us.

  • Despite our limitations and failures we still have control, if we look away from everything we know is not fair and keep the faith, we will have the certainty in our hearts and in all our being, that it does not endorse any threat, temptation or coercion that life presents us, we can beat them. In the end; we will be the conquerors and they will be the conquered.

  • Lift up the ashes, give your best because the conquerors will end up being the conquered

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1 year ago
