It doesn't matter where you are, it matters where you want to go.

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3 years ago

Before every human advancement became real, it was formed in the imagination - small and big discoveries, new discoveries in medicine, victory in engineering, business success - all before

People could not create anything if they could not dream.

So the scientist Einstein said, "Imagination (dreams) is much more important than knowledge."

The goal is not just an illusory dream-it is a dream come true.

The goal is much bigger than the vague idea of "if I could".

Goal means "for which I work diligently." Nothing is possible until the goal is set, it is impossible to take the first step.

The aimless man is confused, life in the river he is like a boat without a middleman in the river, just like a boat in a river floats here

and there but can't get ashore, people stumble and stumble but because they don't know their destination they can't reach anywhere.

Just as air is needed for life, so dreams are needed for life to grow.

You need to have a clear idea of

Yours, my skills, talents and abilities are yours, my "product".

You want to develop your product because you want to get the most value you deserve.

This idea can help you plan for the future.

That is - to divide one's future into 3 parts.

Such as: - (1) Workplace (2) Fam.

You will learn how to satisfy yourself and your faith in your dreams will be strong.

The 3 divisions of life are connect. When people lived in caves in ancient times, everyone respected the most skilled hunter among them, his family life was the happiest.

The quality of family life and respect for social life depend on our success in the workplace.

We all have hopes that we will all be successful, we have dreams of working like mind.

Instead of trying to recover, we wallow in our sadness and thus, experience more failure.

There are 5 things to be aware of on the way to fulfill the dream.

2. The "securities" of the security personnel, who say 'I have security at work', kill their big dreams with this weapon.

3. Fear of competition: - "There are a lot of people in that job, I can't take advantage of it there" This simple comment can stand in the way.

4. Parental rule: You've probably.

If you notice, you will see that those who have become known as successful people.

A dream is at the center of their lives.

That dream becomes the meditation, knowledge, vows of your life, the realization of the dream is just a matter of time.

Absolutely successful overnight, but if you look at the life history of seemingly "suddenly-successful" people, you will see that they also have a lot of hard work to do.

Such pieces of stone are needed to build a beautiful house.

They may not have much value .

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3 years ago
