My cravings

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3 years ago

This is my life and my taste...."how many of you have tried to eat your favorite treat on a full stomach?

You are just compelled to do that. I'm quite addicted to unhealthy food' well that me telling my hidden truth and it has had so much impact in my day to day life.

I kind of created a food climate which causes me to ignore myself and just keep consuming. Another question "Can food be an addiction?" Its all related to areas of the brain addicted to reward so immediately there is a consumption most especially sugar, salt and fat it is completely hard to stop.

I can't live each day without taking chocolates and soda and my reward was compared to somebody taking drugs because this has more power than we barely look at them as.

Don't get me wrong too fast, there are good ways to have good intake such as vegetables found in nature good eating habits that none could easily cause a negative consequences.

But aren't we always drawn to eating deadly consumptions when hungry, food like cake with higher sugar effects makes you get a better feeling of reward when consumed. I've got my favourite and you also but importantly when consuming it can motivate us to keep consuming even when full.

I get drawn to nice jewelries, there was one time I spent a lot of my saving buying a fake product.....sometimes it's not about what we say or agree on but is it the right thing to do.

We depend on these thing to settle our deep feelings but it actually makes it worse, so I stand that there is addiction in what we say we like and the only way to break out is control. I hope we do find that strength in our weaknesses and choose what is truly best for us.

Recently my dieting has changed, I try as much as possible to eat better, to cool better and to avoid the worst sets of things.

That feeling you get when you consume your favourite treats....even as I child I was so close to my easily attracted food intake.. you wouldn't completely blame me but then I should traded with caution.

Choose the best thing for yourself, dont do that because others do it. Learn to accept the learning process because the fact is these are food elements that are harmful to us. Live your life knowing fully well that you need to take care of your bodies more and crave for healthy things.

Thank you for your time. I hope to relate with you more frequently, I'm new here. We can relate with Jackie I'm 24 and I love to meet new friends.


13th August

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3 years ago
