How To Start A Online Business

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2 years ago
Topics: 2021, Marketing, Earning, Business, Seo, ...

How To Start A Online Business

In my new blog today I'm going to help you start an online business all for free no legal work or money needed. All you need is a computer an internet connection and Ideal of what you want to do. You will learn all you need to begin and start up in this post. All the steps are easy and simple. You just have to be dedicated to making it happen. So now lets get into todays special blog. 

What Is A Online Business

Now for many of you You Might think of an online business as somewhere you sell products like amazon or eBay I know that's what I first thought when I heard about an online business. But that's not it at all it's all actually super simple and easy. There's 3 types of online businesses income streams you can have. There's passive income active business and a neutral type of business with a mix of both. Now you may ask what are all these different types of online business incomes. 

Well lets start with the passive income one since that's everyone's favorite. This type of online business is the one you have the most hands off on. These types of businesses are usually online shops, content creation, or a Saas. The complete opposite of passive is active. Now these are the most hands on businesses and will require you to be focused on the business most of the time. These are usually businesses such as running Live online courses, affiliate marketing, or becoming a live streamer and yes even live streaming is a online business. 

Now there are also business that are a mix of both passive and active. These will require you sometimes to be on top of things and be active but will most of the time you'll be making money passively. These are things such as Freelancing, making and selling products like art,  mobile apps and e books or becoming a influencer. As you can see there are many options to choose from and those are to just name a few.         

Why Should You Start A Online Business

Unlike a typical business starting a online business isn't a hassle at all. There's no complicated bureaucracy or red tape setting it up. At most you'll be ask to file a simple W-9 tax form if you live in the US and are freelancing. Now if your business gets big and becomes a legitimate business that might change. But for most part you shouldn't have anything to worry about. As I'm sure most of you are just looking to be self employed or looking to make money online as a side hustle. That's what so great about a online business it's free to start up and requires little time to get started.    

Where To Start A Online Business

So for us to start out you need to figure out what exactly it is your going to do. See for me it's blogging and doing blogging related things. You just need to figure out what your niche is exactly. Some easy ones for you to start off with and to get a audience and following base you can use for selling products.  can do things such as blogging, freelancing and YouTube. Just pick whatever works for you. If you have zero skills or just can't figure anything out you can always do affiliate marketing or start a podcast. Those literally require zero skill you just have to network with people and it just as simple as talking with family and friends to support you and word spreads. Or if you just do content creation and put effort into your work then I promise you people will discover you on there own.

How to get traffic to your Online Business

Now that you've started up your online business you need to start getting traffic and leads to your business. Now depending on what your online business is there will be different strategies you will use. So to help you start out I'm going to give you some key tips and strategies I use that will work. If you want to learn more in depth on getting traffic then you need to check out my other blog. So if your a content maker your main ways of getting traffic are going to be social media, The platform your using, and sites where your allowed to link your content such as bookmarking websites or certain forums and websites. 

To grow as a content creator you need to set a schedule on when your going to upload. Now it doesn't need to be the same time every day but find when it's the best time to upload or post. You can figure this out by posting during different times of the day and seeing which one brings in the most traffic or you can use tools like google analytics to figure out where your audience is and see which time zone most of your viewers are in. You also need to post at the right time. You don't want to post at 3 pm EST when it's rush hour and when it's 12 pm PDT when everyone is just getting halfway through the work day. So post at the right time when everyone is usually free is and home. Posting on certain days also helps to but that all depends on your platform and your content. For bloggers it's best to usually post during the beginning of the week and on Sunday.

Now for marketers, freelancers, and product creators it's a different strategy. Since you not trying to get traffic for views but instead purchases or sign ups your tools are going to be a little different. The best way for you to get sells if your selling a product or affiliate marketing the best way to get your links or products spread around is through word of mouth. The easiest way to do that is tell your friends, family, and co workers all about what it is your trying to promote. The best way to get there interest is to promote the right product to the right customer.

 So lets say your trying to sell your e book about basketball you need to figure out who would be interested in that book. Then you need to bring something new and interesting that'll captivate them. You can do anything to help captivate others for example you can put pictures into your e book to get the readers attention or write about topics that aren't discussed much. Now for example the perfect time to promote to other people who are strangers and who might actually buy based off your marketing skills and the amount of effort and work you put into your e book instead of doing it out of the kindness of their heart like one of the main reasons family and friends take interest and support you is by going to a basketball game. When you get there your going to want to find your audience and start telling them all about your e book and networking to build more connections. So if your going to be selling a e book you want to look for older people because they tend to read more but you don't want to find super old people who might have a harder time with technology. Then you want to find people who have connections or talk to a or interact with a lot of people. So we would say people like coaches at these games and the refs would make a good networking move. Tell them all about your product and give them a free copy. 

Once they read it and you actually put effort and work into the book they'll tell others about how good of a read the book was and will refer others to you and since coaches and refs interact with basketball most of the time you can bet they'll talk about your book compared to just some dad who's there to watch his son play. This leads to more people who are dedicated and interested in basketball to read and keep coming back for more products by you. This builds up a reoccurring customers who can be relied on to support and buy your products and services. This is all offline but the same rules still apply to the internet as well. 

So online you would go on social media and just post and promote your book how ever you can. You can join groups online and promote your book. You can do shout out for shout outs.  You can join book clubs and spread through them. Or you can go onto forums and help solve others problems with your book or if they allow you can self promote. You can also spread your links for the book on bookmarking sites but those sites are used most of the time for content creation. Doing deals also helps with getting you leads or packages. You just need to be creative and I'm sure you'll be able to sell and grow. Now the last tactic everyone can use but isn't free and works sometimes are doing ads and buying promos. I don't do this thought so I can't help you when it comes to ad networks. I do know though that some ad networks are better then others so do some research before you go and buy ads.                          

My Final Words 

If you enjoyed the blog leave a like and share it with somebody. Leave me some feedback with your comments to let me know how I did. Let me know what you liked and what you didn't so I can improve the blog. All your likes and comments are deeply appreciated. Follow the blog to stay up to date along with my socials also make sure to check out my website where you can put in a submission form to let me know what topics you want me to cover.

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$ 0.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Jack216
2 years ago
Topics: 2021, Marketing, Earning, Business, Seo, ...


Thanks for understanding about the online business because it will enlight us more about legit business.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad I could help

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2 years ago