Headers can take 40 lines or more , although they are complex and confusing at first but with practice they become decipherable fortunately, you can ignore most of the information they contain or set your mailer to cancel these . Eudora for example has a button called Blah Blah Blah that can use to toggle between full and shorten headers . Unless you need to do some troubleshooting ,just ignore headers .most users need only to concerned with the date from and subject fields towards the bottom of the header. From time to time a piece of email that had been returned to the sender because of incorrect address an unknown host an unknown user faulty hard ware or software hardware or transmission lines that are malfunctioning down and so forth .it is here that the header becomes important in figuring out what happened . The first step in troubleshooting bounced mail is to check the exact spelling case and syntax of address . The most frequentl error made is typographical . Simply the address was incorrectly transcribed . If the address appear s to be in order resend the message after a few hours , since the second most frequent problem Is that the system linkage are temporary down . Finally the local sysadmin may be able to help or a message to the postmaster at the remote site may help resolve problems