Samuel 3(Return Of Solomon And Calamity)

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3 years ago

Solomon Jacobs, brother of Samuel Jacobs is brought back to life. Gets powers too. Such as water manipulation, flight/avaision, speed, teleportation,telekinesis, teleportation, strength and Radio active wave. Samuel however very happy and excited. Hugs his brother who tells him how he came back to life.

Samuel and Solomon fight side by side, to protect earth, New York, from villians and also battle against Calamity and more Galaxites. Solomon later leaves Samuel and joins Calamity and Galaxites.

Samuel travels to Galaxiti to battle Calamity, Galaxites and his brother, Solomon.

Superman also appears with few of his friends in Galaxiti. Wonder woman, Flash, Batman and Aquad woman. Meanwhile, Samuel Jacobs doesn't like nor admire Aquad man.

In the end, Calamity and Galxites defeated. Solomon dies. Exit Samuel and his justice league friends.

Fact and guess how Solomon Jacobs came back? He was brought back to life by the god, Brazovic, god of transformation and resurrection. Solomon goes back to him.

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Always appreciative Jaysea and thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago


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3 years ago

Nice article bro

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3 years ago