Are you an atheist/Agnostic/Deist/Humanist/Liberalist/Pagan/Muslim/Secular, etc?
What if I be that friend that will help you look at the Christian faith again, and make you see the pieces of evidence that God, our creator is not just an imaginary, remote, transcendent being, but One who is real, transcendent yet immanent, personal and who came down Himself, in the real, historic person called Jesus Christ to rescue us from our sin and restore communion with us?
A desire for reality is almost universal. If at the moment there is a revolt against the established Christian Church, it is in part a healthy distaste for all that is hollow and humbug. 'Somehow God has become for most people, and even for many practising Christians, unreal' writes Bernadine Bishop. 'The God we want must be real. He must be a convincing personal experience. The God who is not real to me, revealing and operating all that is deepest and most personal in my being, is no God to me.' Fair enough! The question is: how can God become real if indeed He exists at all?
This is a question which many have asked. "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God", cried the Psalmist (Psalm 42:2). " Oh, that I knew where I might find him" complained Job (Job 23:3). Why is this search for the reality of God so important? First, there is today a general restlessness. We see this restlessness expressed in pop songs and modern films.
According to Pascal, *"there is a conflict between reason, and the passions. If only man had reason without passion...if he had only passions without reason...but having both, he cannot be without strife, being unable to be at peace with the one without being at war with the other."*
The conflict is revealed in sexual licence, experiments with drugs, and the persistent search for an 'ultimate' experience (the latest being the idea behind Metaverse of Mark Zuckerberg). All this is simply an attempt to discover the true meaning of life.
One final point of introduction; God never promised to reveal Himself purely to satisfy our intellectual curiosity. There is one essential condition, and that is honesty. The person who is determined to justify his unbelief will never discover that God is real. But to the one who is honest in his search, honest about his doubts and confusion, honest about his intellectual problems,and honest enough to examine the evidence with as fresh and open a mind as he can bring it, God will make Himself known.
We must start at the right place and the right place in our search for the reality of God is the person of Jesus Christ. Some may think that this is the wrong starting point. They would say that it is pointless to try to prove that Christ is the son of God when they cannot believe in God's existence in the first place. 'Prove God's existence first', they would say, 'then we will consider our attitude to Christ'. However, our reason for starting at Christ is important. What do men know about God from their natural wisdom? Virtually nothing. As soon as a man begins to seek for God he is baffled and confused, groping in the dark, out of his depth. Nor should it surprise us that he feels lost in his search for God, because God is infinite, and man is finite. How could a finite being possibly comprehend infinity? *Paul said that man by his wisdom cannot know God and cannot find God; God is altogether beyond his reach. We shall all be incurably agnostic if God has not revealed Himself.* But the Christian faith is that God has revealed Himself: through the Old Testament prophets, through the Jewish nation, through the scriptures, but supremely in the person of Jesus Christ; and Christ is therefore rightly our starting point.
Another reason we are starting with Christ is that some people see Christ as just a prophet, some think Christ is the archangel Michael, some believe that Christ is a brother of satan, while others do not accept Him.
It is, therefore, necessary to correct our beliefs and notions about the person of Christ, as we seek to provide evidence about the reality of God.
This for now. My next exposition on the way. Thanks for reading.