Family Gratitude.

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3 years ago

I once had a boss who would seize your salary if you forgot or refuse to say ''THANK YOU SIR '' when he threw your cash at you by month end. In extreme cases, you may not be paid until a new month, if you cannot bury your ego and beg him for a salary you've worked for.

Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, air, food, clean water, friends, spouse, family, job, income etc. In positive psychology research, it's strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.

Family gratitude helps members of the family feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve physical/ psychological health, deal with adversity, build strong relationships, opens door to do more, enhances empathy, reduces aggression, helps sleeping better, and improves self-esteem.

The role of the male and female in the family is uniquely different but highly important to the success of the family. There is no point gloating over which gender is indispensable but a show of gratitude for the value both are bringing to the table is very key.

We should not be over-familiar to ignore showing gratitude for any act done regardless of how little it may look. In my family, after meals, we thanked our parents, while they in turn thank God for provisions. Do you know that not saying a simple ''thank you'' has ruined the unity of some families?

Ways to express gratitude include but not limited to:

Saying kind words to your wife/husband and not comparing him/her to someone else in performance.

Including your partner or children in your plans. It shows how much you value them.

Listening intently to what your children or partner has to say without distractions.

Asking for ways you can be of help or give assistance to them.

Checking on them through calls and SMS. It shows you're thinking about them.

When we show gratitude, we tend to see more good things to be thankful for. Something as simple as a note of gratitude under your wife’s pillow can do wonders. Complaining amplifies negativity. Choose family gratitude, the benefits are enormous.


What other ways can the family show more gratitude to each other?

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3 years ago
