Advice or advise? These two words often get confused when writing.
So, how do you know when to use either?
Advice is a noun—a thing.
Advise is a verb—an action.
If you find yourself unsure about which to use at any time, try replacing with a thing. If it reads fine, then use ’advice.’
So, let us try this. We’ll use ‘money’ as our replacement.
He gave Abi some advice/advise before leaving.
He gave Abi some money before leaving.
It works, so we use 'advice' in this context.
Let’s try this again:
He is going to advice/advise Abi before leaving.
He is going to money Abi before leaving.
It’s a big, fat no! So, we use 'advise'.
He is going to advise Abi before leaving.
I hope you find this useful. This is a trick I came up with and use, generally. It may not apply in more complex contexts.
Do you find yourself confused by certain words? Feel free to let me know . Perhaps I could feature such words in future posts.
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